Chapter seven: The Date

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Jonathan pushed the door open after turning the handle and carried the record player inside, he shut the door and kicked his shoes off before walking into the living room, he looked at his watch after setting the record player on the coffee table seeing how late it was now, he felt the top seeing it was cold from being outside, he looked around before seeing a spot for it and walked over clearing the spot on the table next to the fireplace, Monte peeked into the living room and saw the record player and walked over, Jon heard him and looked over ''You're home?'' Monte smiled and sat on the couch infront of the record player ''Yes, where'd you find this?'' he asked touching the small needle that would touch a record playing music, Jon smiled and walked around the other two chairs ''There was a record store on the street we went through, this is one of five we brought back.'' Monte smiled and looked to him ''You do know we don't have anything to play on it, right?'' Jon smiled ''It was a record store Monte, we have records... Well, one.'' he stated and turned going to the bookshelf picking up the only record they had and showed Monte who smiled.

Monte took it from him and took the plastic off before opening it up and carefully took the record out setting it on the spinner ''My father kept a lot of records around.'' Jon looked at him losing his smile a bit ''Really?'' Monte nodded and set the needle down on the record and waited a moment hearing the music begin to play. Monte got up and held his hand out for Jon to take, he smiled ''You wanna dance to christmas music right now?'' Monte nodded and Jon sighed before taking his hand, Monte pulled him close before they moved around the room, Jon smiled seeing Monte was basically fooling around, spinning them around in a way they were wide and long spines, waltzing almost, Jonathan slowed him down so that they were just swaying ''I wanted to talk to you about a couple of thing's really.'' Monte nodded as they stayed swaying beside the record player ''First I wanted to mention how we've never been on a date.'' Monte smiled and nodded ''We can make that happen.'' Jon smiled then the smile went away as he thought about the other thing. He stopped swaying and Monte stopped as well seeing something was wrong, Jon moved away and stopped the music before turning to Monte, he brought his hands up holding them in front of his stomach.

''The second is about a run.'' he stated and looked at Monte, who was staring back at him worried now ''A run?'' he asked a bit confused of why Jon was being so serious about this ''Darrel and Roy both talked about a run today, when we got back.'' he started seeing Monte was just getting more worried ''A run to the airport.'' Monte's worriedness was justified ''The airport?'' Jon stepped forward grabbing Monte's shoulders ''We're gathering a bunch of people, to make sure we're extra safe when going there, the plan is to go in and get out, grab supplise like clothing for the winter even though we're well into the winter already.'' he stated looking to the side tiliting his head in the same direction, Monte looked at him ''So, your both telling me that your going and asking me to join?'' Jon looked back to him and nodded pressing his lip's together a bit, Monte sighed thinking about it ''Well, I'll hate myself if I don't go and you don't come back so... Yeah, I'll go.'' Jonathan smiled, Monte moved him back before reaching behind him putting the music back on and stood up ''Now let me enjoy this right now.'' Jon smiled and let Monte pull him close so they could sway again.

''And about the date, which I'm assuming the wine is for.'' Jon pulled away a bit and looked at him ''Did you find it?'' Monte smiled ''It wasn't very hidden to begin with.'' Jon looked to the side thinking about it and nodded ''What about the date?'' he asked and looked to Monte who smiled ''I was thinking about it as well.'' he admitted ''I mean we've been... Something for two months now.'' Jon smiled and nodded letting him know he was caught up ''But to be completely honest we haven't had any time for dating.'' he stated and looked at Jon, he nodded understanding that as well ''So, how about we go on a date, the twenty fourth, day before christmas.'' Jon smiled and looked to Monte ''It's a date.'' Monte smiled and wrapped his arm's around Jon's waist while Jon wrapped his arm's around Monte's shoulders resting them on top and rested his head on Monte's shoulders. Monte glanced out the window seeing Savannah peering in as she walked past before looking forward and up.

Let It ShineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora