chapter 15: The Pensieve and Help

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Harry carried Delphini all the way back to Hogwarts. Suddenly students started running out of the school towards Harry. Hermione screamed. Harry lay Delphini on the floor and teachers started to pile around them both. "Mr Potter, what's happened to her?" McGonogall asked terrified.  "They tortured her, and tried to do the same to me." Harry said speaking really fast. "Who, Potter?" 

"Voldermort and his Death Eaters, including Mr Malfoy." Harry replied, staring directly at Draco. Which attracted a lot of commotion and whispering. "All students back to common rooms immediately." Dumbledore commanded and the other students were escorted out of the courtyard. "Delphini, please talk me" Hermione said softly, kneeling beside her in heaps of tears.

Delphini just looked and tried to speak, but it hurt. "Don't worry, talk when you have enough energy." Hermione spoke forcing a smile. "I-I don't.. w-want to d-die..." She spluttered out as a tear fell down her cheek as Madame Pomfrey pushed her way through the crowd. "Everyone give her some space. Oh gosh look at her" She said looking at the cuts all over Delphini's body. 

Hagrid picked her up and followed Madame Pomfrey to the Infirmary. "Thank you, Potter, what you did was very brave." McGonogall said now smiling. "50 points to Griffindor" Harry forced a smile, even though he wasn't feeling like it. Weeks passed and Delphini finally recovered. However she wasn't allowed to play Quidditch for the next few months whilst she fully recovered. Which meant she was going to miss the Final against Slytherin.


Delphini entered Dumbledore's office, weak and confused. "Ahh Delphini, I wondered when you would recover." Dumbledore spoke softly. "Thank you sir..." She paused," I was wondering what else do you remember from my early childhood. I need to know." she demanded. "As you wish, Delphini, you old enough now." Dumbledore got out his wand and casted a spell which pulled his specific memory out of his mind. "Here it is"

"We've kept it a secret for a long time. You deserve to know, now."

Delphini looked into the Pensieve and saw a younger looking MsGonagall and Dumbledore. "Tom will be looking for her soon enough, Minervia." Young Dumbledore said to a younger Professor McGonagall. "I'll miss her." McGonagall said to him, slowly stroking the cheek of the baby girl (Delphini). "She's been hiding with us for a couple of weeks already." "This will be one of the first places he'll look in."

"Stay safe" McGonagall whispered as she kissed the top of the baby's head. "She's just a girl" McGonagall said. "A girl who could get easily manipulated by her father and we can't let that happen, can we Minerva." "No" McGonagall said looking down. "He's already hurt her" Albus said looking away. "She's been cursed, Minerva." "What..?" McGonagall said.

"She's cursed. She can turn into a 7 foot dragon made of fire.  If she doesn't learn to control that, she will stay like that forever, she'll end up like Nagini. With Tom and Bella, she wont learn how to control that. She'll turn into a monster."

Delphini recognised the name Nagini, her father's snake. "Imagine her, growing up with Tom and his ideas, his violence, her father or not." "He could destroy her." Minerva was crying at this point. "Where will she go? She has no friends or family in the muggle world, unlike Lily." Minerva cried now looking up at Albus. "I know a close family, i've already asked them. There willing to adopt her."


"Now." Albus replied. Minerva was now looking out the frost covered window at a car that was driving towards the school. "Minerva, it's ok, you'll see her when she turns 11." Dumbledore said in a calming tone. He then continued to hug her and tell her it's going to be okay. "But we can't tell her about who she really is until she's old enough, it's for her own good. She'll understand."

"But what if he finds her in her new home in London?" Minerva asked still holding onto you, not wanting to let you go. Because the truth is that McGonagall loved the baby like it was her own.

"He wont find her, I promise."


Delphini's snowy owl, Dixie, woke her up again but hooting loudly and sashing around her cage. It was Christmas and she was so excited! Harry and Ron had opted to having Christmas at Hogwarts because Delphini didn't feel like spending Christmas again, with her adopted parents, feeling annoyed that they hadn't told her who your real parents where, and they didn't want their friend to be alone. 

All three of them, eagerly, ran down the stairs towards the massive Christmas tree and started to open presents. Delphini got Harry a book about Quidditch. 'Tips for a seeker'. And she got Ron a ginormous poster of Victor Krum the supposed "best seeker in the world" from Ron's opinion. 

Ron bought Delphini loads of Chocolate Frogs, because their her favourite. Sadly, He ended up eating most of them. Harry bought her a facts about the Vampire Diaries book because she "Doesn't shut up about it". Delphini decided that she needed to force them to watch it with her. She's bored Hermione with it, however she does have a small crush on Damion Salvatore. But who doesn't?

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