chapter 1: First year

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"Ready for your first year?" Leta's mother asked. "I guess so." "you'll love it, just you wait and see." The truth is Leta was really nervous, as it was going to be her first time away from home from her adoptive parents. Ever since they first took her home when she was a couple of months old it seemed like they were protecting her from something or someone. For example, Leta wasn't  allowed to stay out past her curfew and visit people without their permission. But her 11 year old self knew it was for the best. 

"Leta" Leta  was examining her outfit one last time in the mirror before she heard her mother shout her name again. "leta" "Yes mother" she said waiting for her reply. "Hermione's here." Always early she thought to herself as she grabbed her school bag from the top of the banister and ran down the stairs, to  see her best friend of seven years smiling at her. "How excited are you?" Hermione asked beaming. "really excited" Leta responded. "Didn't you know I've read all about Hogwarts during the summer holidays just so i'm prepared and I even started reading about the spells just so i'm not at the bottom in class." Wow Leta thought to herself, she had just spent her entire summer re-watching the Vampire Diaries and Obsessing over Harry from One Direction in magazines. 

"Come on!" "we're going to be late".  Leta's so lucky that she had Hermione as a friend, if she didn't she would always be late. "Everyone get in the car quickly and i'll drive you to King Cross Station." "Have you got all your things together, we don't want to miss the train."


"Harry's looking at you" "Who?" Leta asked confused as the only Harry she knew was her cousin and he was 6 and was certainly not going to Hogwarts. Plus he was a so called 'muggle'. "Harry Potter" Hermione must of read her confused facial expressions as she then went on to talk about how he was "probably the most famous wizard of all time." As he "made 'You Know who" weaker. It wasn't that simple to Leta because back then she had no idea who 'You know who' was. "He's cute" Leta replied. "Looks like someone is jealous." Hermione suddenly interrupted her thoughts. "Are you even listening to me?" "I feel like I am talking to a brick wall." Leta glanced at who Hermione was talking about and saw a boy with short blonde hair gelled back with a smirk on his face. Whoever this boy was you already thought he was trouble. "Yes, famous Harry Potter." He spat. Leta rolled her eyes, he was just as she had expected. "Let's to Harry and his friend. They seem nice" "Yes let's" Leta pulled Hermione away away from the blonde boy who was now staring at her.


Leta and Hermione started to walk up the cobbled old staircases chatting to each other. When Leta heard a sudden racket of noise and someone shouting, "MOVE OUT THE WAY." She immediately ducked out of the way, just in time for two identical ginger students to whiz past her on their broomsticks chasing a spark. "Fred and George again, their my twin brothers, there bloody mad, i'm telling you." Here let me help you up." "I'm Ron weasley by the way and this is my new friend Harry Potter." "I now THE Harry Potter." He said walking closer to Leta as he whispered. He seemed like a nice boy. " And you are?" "Leta, Leta Wakefield." Leta replied shaking his and Harry's hand. "Harry, Harry Potter" he said stuttering, he was probably nervous. She didn't blame him.

"This is my best friend Hermione Granger." Leta smiled at Harry and Ron. "Pleasure" Hermione said looking disgusted as she shook Ron's hand. She then turned to face Harry and smiled. "well we better be off we don't want to be late for the sorting ceremony, it will be awful if we miss this." "Is she always like this?" Ron whispered to Leta. "Always". All four of them carried on walking up the stairs. Having the boy who lived as her classmate and possibly new friend? Leta knew she was going to have so much fun at Hogwarts.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the blonde boy from before. "Yes famous Harry Potter." The boy from earlier spat. "leave him alone" Leta demanded as she stood in front of Harry. "Ah look Potter looks like you've got yourself a girlfriend." Malfoy smirked. 


"Excuse me First Years, I am Professor McGonagall." "Welcome to Hogwarts school for Witchcraft and Wizardary." "The start of term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses." McGonagall then continued to leave them. "How will they sort us?" Harry questioned. "Some sort of test I think, Fred told me it really hurts, but i'm not sure if he was joking." Ron replied. Professor McGonagall then returned and the bustle of students proceeded to follow through the Great doors into the Great Hall. 

"It's bewitched you know, to look like the sky outside. I read about it in A Hogwarts: History." Hermione whispered to Leta as Leta looked at the ceiling that perfectly resembled a starry night sky scattered with dimly lit candles hanging down. "cool" was the only word that came out. There were four very long tables each under either a green, red, yellow or blue flag.  


Professor McGonagall then continued to place a wooden stool in front of them along with a dusty old hat. "Do we have to put that on our heads?" Leta whispered to Ron. "I hope not it looks dirty." Leta began to laugh at the face that Ron was pulling. Suddenly Professor McGonagall began to speak. " Hannah Abott" "Hufflepuff"  the hat shouted. "Luna Lovegood" "Ravenclaw" Luna was a small girl with mousy blonde hair, she looked really nice. "Ron weasley" "Another weasley, better be Griffindor" Ron looked happy with that house. Harry and Hermione were both sorted into Griffindor as well. "Draco Malfoy" "Slytherin" The house bellowed straight away. Leta now knew to stay away from him. SHe had heard from her last encounter with Fred that Slytherins are bad news.

Lastly It was your turn. " Leta ..... Wakefield" It was strange because McGonagall stumbled over her name, un-like anyone else. She also looked back at Dumbledore and returned with a terrified look. Dumbledore then nodded his head and gave her a reassuring look. "Difficult, very difficult... ambitious yet not to ambitious, caring to others, brave yet troubled." "Better be Griffindor" McGonagall lifted the hat of her head, with a sigh of relief,  and Leta went to sit on the Griffindor table with her friends. "Why did McGonagall hesitate and look at Dumbledore?" said Harry. "I'm not sure" Leta replied. "Let's not focus on that for now. Let's celebrate that we're all in the same house." Hermione responded. Suddenly the tables were full of food like a banquet. Obviously Ron surrounded himself with plates full. 

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