Chapter 88: A family dinner

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A Weasley family dinner had to be three things; loud, eventful and with an outbreak of news. You knew, as you made sure James was secure in his pram.

"Are you ready?" Draco asked, walking from the kitchen to the hall.

"Think so," You smiled. This was going to be Draco's first proper meal at the Burrow, so he was of course worried.

"They already love you" You said softly sensing his nervousness. "You'll be fine" You say placing a gentle kiss on the centre of his lips.

                                                                                     .      .       .

"I don't know why we have to have this family dinner," Ron groaned. "We're all going to be meeting up for Christmas in like, two weeks anyway."

"Oh honestly, Ronald," Hermione fussed. "You know full well Bill and Fleur won't be coming to Christmas dinner at your mum's and George isn't sure either."

"Still," Ron mumbled, helping himself to another slice of toast.

                                                                                             .        .       .

"Right," Molly was bustling around the kitchen as usual, watched by a bemused Arthur who was half reading the Prophet.

"Delphini's column's very good this week," He commented, as his wife whirled around the kitchen, waving her wand. "I haven't read it yet," Molly said distractedly, lining up forks on the table. "How does it look?"

 "How does it look?" She snapped, when her husband didn't reply instantly.

"Fine," He sighed. "It looks lovely, Molly. I just don't understand why you're going out of your way to make this dinner so perfect." "Because we should treasure these family moments!" Molly said. "Did I just hear someone in the living room?"

"I've told them not to just floo without telling us, but I'll check." Sure enough, as Mr Weasley climbed out of his chair and made to leave the kitchen, Ron and Hermione appeared in the door.
"Hello you two," He smiled at them. "What have I told you about flooing without letting us know first?" "I know," Hermione said, apologetically. "I'm so sorry, Mr Weasley, Ron was... insistent. As per usual."

Mr Weasley chuckled and led them through to the kitchen, where Mrs Weasley was folding serviettes. "Good morning, you two," She smiled, giving them both hugs. "How are you?"

"Very well, thank you," Hermione said politely. "Can I give you a hand, Mrs Weasley?" "No," Mrs Weasley snapped. "Not until you start calling me Molly!" She laughed. "Sorry, Molly," Hermione laughed too as her mother-in-law handed her some serviettes to fold.

Bill and Fleur had just arrived at the Burrow; Bill was carrying a twenty-one-month-old Victoire on his shoulders. Fleur was four-months pregnant now. Molly opened the door; she was struggling to dress Frederica who was equally struggling. "Hello, dears, come in. How's my granddaughter?"

"Hello Gwanny, hello Auntie Fweddie!" exclaimed Victoire. "I got lots of pwesents, fwom Mommy and Daddy and my odder gwanny and gwanpa and Auntie Gabbie. "Did you? Well I think we have some more presents in here for you under the tree." Molly told her granddaughter. She turned to Bill and Fleur, everyone else is here already.

The Burrow was full of life. Harry and Draco were having an animated discussion about a recent muggle attack, whilst holding their new-born children. Teddy and Victoire were sitting in the corner of the room, doing some colouring. George was talking to his father about business whilst trying to control a two year old Fred. Ron, Charlie and Percy were talking about an upcoming Quidditch match and You, Ginny, Hermione and Angelina were in the corner, discussing what they thought the gender of Hermione's unborn child would be, whilst Mrs Weasley and Fleur were tidying away dinner.

After a while, Angelina came and tugged on George's sleeve.

"What?" He asked, excusing himself from his conversation with Harry and Fleur.

"I think we should tell them," Angelina muttered. "Now!?" George asked, incredulously.

"Yeah," Angelina said. "We don't want to have to wait until after Christmas – I'm going to start showing soon, it's already been two and a half months!"

"Alright," George agreed. "But you're telling them."

"Everyone," Angelina called. "Everyone! George and I have something to tell you all."

The room quietened as everyone turned to face the couple. "I'm pregnant," Angelina smiled.

Bill nearly dropped Dominique. "You're what!?"


"Control yourself, George," Ron joked, loudly. "Ron!" His mother scolded. "Sorry," He muttered.

"You're really pregnant?" You asked. Angelina nodded, smiling. "Congratulations!" Charlie said.

That seemed to be everyone's cue to congratulate the couple, who were suddenly showered in hugs and pats on the back. "Bloody hell," Draco said. "The amount of kids in this family is getting ridiculous..." "Hermione and now Angelina." You laughed as he pulled you into a one arm hug.

"Congrats, sis," He smiled at her.

"Thanks," Angelina smiled. "And hey, we're all going to have kids born within a few months, aren't we?" "Yes, we are," Draco grinned, you slapped his arm.

The rest of the evening was spent talking, playing various games and stopping various children knocking the house down. You and Draco left the Burrow at nine, smiling and content. You both tried not to wake Scorpius, who was half asleep, as they walked home and sat downstairs for a while before going to bed.

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