Chapter 36: snowy afternoons in Hogwarts

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Btw this is a pretty long chapter, sorry.

"Dangling people upside down by the ankle?" Delphini questioned. "Who puts their time and energy into making potions like that?" she said half laughing half serious. "My dad." Harry replied. He had only just remembered. "What?" The rest of them aid, confused. "My dad." Harry repeated. "He did that spell, a lot, Lupin told me last year." "He even did the spell on Snape, I saw that in the Pensive."

"Well Harry, maybe your dad did do that spell, but loads of people have done that spell." Hermione finished. Hinting at the Death Eaters at the World Cup two years back. "That was different." "Besides, you don't like the Prince, Hermione." Ron said, pointing the sausage that was falling of the end of his fork, at her. "And why would that be Ronald?" Hermione asked with her arms folded, glaring at him sternly. (You knew Hermione was angry at you if she said your full name, except for Harry.) "Because he's better at potions than you." Ron said returning the sass and glare. "It has nothing to do with that!" Hermione said quickly, her cheeks reddening.

Delphini knew that face Hermione did, she always did it as a child. It was obvious that Ron was correct she just didn't want to admit it. "Right, before anything get's more serious, I made plans with Leanne, we're going to Hogsmeade and we're going to talk about Quidditch, as she's new to the team, and to go shopping." "I feel bad for her, you know, she doesn't have much friends and I don't want her to be lonely." Hermione looked up at Delphini and gave her a soft smile, still hurt by what Ron said.

"That's cool, we're going to go to the Three Broomsticks to discuss the Horcrux situation." Harry said smiling at her. Things had been pretty awkward between them since she stood up for her ex, whom he hates. But the two were getting closer again. Delphini give Harry a good look as Hermione and Ron have started to argue again. She then turned and walked over to Leanne who was waiting at the entrance doors.


"You ready?" Leanne asked. "Yes let's go, I have so much to say."

"Now as Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, I think we should replace Angelina with Ginny for the next match, as Ginny hasn't played in a long time." Leanne didn't reply she just listened. She had just joined the team a couple of moths ago, she didn't really know how they played. But it was just nice to talk to someone else about it instead of just Harry and Ron, because loads of Gryffindor's got mad when you made decisions with telling just them. Just as they reached the gates, Ginny came running up to them. "Delphi, have you seen Harry? I need to give something to him." She said waving a sealed envelope in front of her.

"Be quick, there just about to leave for Hogsmeade." Delphini said smiling at Ginny. The last proper conversation the two had was after Harry rescued her in the Chamber of Secrets, in the second year. "There in the Great Hall." she finished. "Thank you" and with that Ginny sprinted in the direction of the Great Hall. "Where should we go first?" Delphini asked Leanne, whilst walking towards Hogsmeade.



"I just think it's pretty irresponsible to start performing spells when you don't even know what their for, and stop talking about the 'Prince', as if it's his title." Hermione said annoyed. "I bet it's just a stupid nickname and it doesn't seem like he was a very nice person." she added huffing. "I don't get where you get that from." Ron said retaliating. "If he was a Death Eater, he wouldn't have been boasting about being a Half-Blood."

"The Death Eaters can't all be Purebloods, there are only 28 Pureblood families." Hermione said stubbornly. "I bet they'd let you and Harry join."

"I'm not joining the Death Eaters!" Ron shouted loudly. Attracting a large audience including Draco Malfoy, who had his full focus on the three of them. "And they'd love to have me." Harry stated sarcastically. "Now let's go before we attract anymore attention." Hermione said standing up immediately. "We're going right...?" Hermione said looking directly at Harry and Ron. Just as they were about to leave, Ginny shouted "Harry!". Harry turned around and saw Ginny. He immediately smiled. "I'm supposed to give this to you, McGonagall's orders." Ginny said turning around to leave. But Harry grabbed her hand. "Ginny, do you want to go to Hogsmeade with us?" Harry questioned, hopefully. Ginny let go. "Sorry, Harry I'm going with Dean - might see you there?" Then she left.

Ginny and Dean had been dating for a couple of months and Harry was starting to become very jealous and it was proving to be obvious. "They wont last long." Ron said sort of smiling. "What?" Harry answered, with a confused expression, completely oblivious. "Don't worry, let's just go to the Three Broomsticks, I'm so thirsty." Ron exclaimed excitedly. Hermione just rolled her eyes. 

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