Chapter 75: Walks and Engagements

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 It was November. It had been six and a half  years since Voldemort's defeat and it was safe to say the Wizarding World was back to normal. It was also a year and a half since Draco returned. Work in the auror department at the Ministry of Magic was fairly quiet, meaning Delphini had lots of days off and very short hours. It was a Saturday morning. The trees on the green outside number there house were amber, red and gold and the ground was covered with crisp, crunchy leaves that Teddy Lupin couldn't resist running through every time he stepped out the door.  "Draco?"  Delphini called.

"In the kitchen!" He replied. He and Hermione were making breakfast. They heard her come down the stairs and walk through the hall. "Morning," Delphini said, as Hermione passed her in the door way holding a plate piled high with pancakes. "Hello," Draco grinned, kissing her. "Got any plans for today?"

"No," she said, somewhat exhausted from her run down the stairs. "You?"

"Not one," Draco smiled. "Fancy going for a walk? Just you and me. I've asked Hermione and she says she doesn't mind looking after Teddy for an hour or two."

"Sounds great," Delphini smiled. "I'll be ready in half an hour. "Okay," Draco said, kissing her again.


"I'm ready," Delphini called, running down the stairs. She was wearing pale blue jeans, knitted grey boots, a loose fitting, nude t-shirt and a chunky-knit grey cardigan. "Let's go," Draco smiled. He was wearing darker jeans, an old pair of trainers, a black jumper and a red scarf. They walked through the woods, hand in hand, talking and listening to the noise the leaves made as they kicked them away while they walked. Delphini looked at Draco. "How's work?" she asked. "Same old," Draco smiled. "Pretty dull. Not that I'm complaining about the lack of murders and attacks..." Delphini laughed.

Draco stopped when they got to some large rocks sticking out of the ground in a clearing. He'd planned for them to come by this place, and he led Delphini over, sitting her down on the rocks, not letting go of her hand. "I owe my life to you, Delphini Riddle. You're brilliant, you are." Delphini smiled and opened her mouth but he pressed a finger to her lips to stop her. "I remember when I first met you as though it were yesterday. In fact, I remember every moment I've ever spent with you as though it were yesterday. You're absolutely perfect, Delphini Riddle. You're the best thing that's ever been mine." Delphini smiled again. "So, Delphini Riddle, will you marry me?" He asked, pulling out a velvet box and opening it to reveal a diamond ring.

She was nothing special she thought to herself; she came from a large adoptive family without any money. Most of her clothes were hand-me-downs and her school books had come from second hand book shops. But he wanted to marry her. "Yes!" Delphini squealed. Draco grinned at her as he slid the ring onto her finger. It was beautiful. A thin silver band with a diamond in the centre – simple and traditional, it was perfect for them.

Once the ring was firmly on her finger, Delphini jumped up and threw her arms around Draco's neck, laughing. He was laughing too; he'd never felt this happy. He tightened his arms around her waist and she wrapped her legs around his hips. "I love you!" she smiled, kissing him, knocking him back a little. After he regained his balance, he said, "I love you too."

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