Chapter 66: Not my daughter, you bitch!

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A short chapter for you

Harry started running through the stone corridors and Voldemort was shouting in anger, sending spells after spells at Harry. Death Eaters had started apparating into the Great Hall and everyone ran in there.  Now it was even more dangerous, these Death Eaters were angry, filled with hate and wanted revenge. Hermione and Luna duelled more witches and wizards than ever before, finding a new burst of energy. 

Ginny noticed Hermione and Luna battling Delphini's mother, Bellatrix LeStrange. She suddenly found herself running towards them and engaged in the fight. Bellatrix was a great duller, there was no doubt about it. She managed too keep them all at bay and she wasn't even tired. She shot a green spell at her and it narrowly missed her. Ginny looked stunned and confused.

"NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!" Ginny heard someone yell as she turned around to see her mother, positioning her wand right at Bellatrix and started to duel the Death Eater. Ginny was shocked at her mothers comment and couldn't keep up with their reflexes, smooth and poised and full of hate. 

 "Get back! Get back! she's mine" Bellatrix shouted.

Bellatrix smiled an unnerving smile, but Molly shot a spell so Bellatrix was caught in slow motion and then shot one more spell square in the chest. Then she disappeared in a haze of black ash. Bellatrix was gone.  Something smashed onto the floor, and a beautiful, sharp haze of glass chunks were scattered where Bellatrix had died. Nearly all of the Death Eaters fell then. It didn't take long for people to realise that the last relic was destroyed.  They were all weaker now. They had hope.

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