Chapter 73: Engagement

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Delphini awoke to the sound of her alarm, baring in her ear. She always looked like a mess in the morning, so it wasn't a surprise when she looked in the mirror and saw her hair as a birds nest. Her makeup had smudged as she had forgot to take it off the night before. Delphini then went to pick out an outfit for today.She wasn't in the mood to dress up, so she just wore black jogging bottoms and a black cropped top.  She was about to brush her hair when she saw a blur of red beneath her chest. 

"Teddy" Delphini exclaimed happily. She had been looking after Teddy since he was very young after the war, and as he was her nephew. "Morn mama" Teddy said tiredly. Some part of Delphini liked it when he called you mama, but some part of you felt sad because she wasn't and she loved Tonks dearly. "Morning baby" she said picking a yawning Teddy. "Do you know who is were seeing today?" she asked blowing raspberries on his tummy. He just giggled and smiled. "No" He said between giggles. "Aunt Hermione and Aunt Ginny" she replied. Teddy immediately started smiling. "Yay" he giggled. "What do you want for breakfast?" Delphini questioned. When all she got was "ice-cream", she decided to make eggs and sausages. She made it herself as she didn't have a house elf, because she, like Hermione, thought it was animal cruelty. It made her think of Dobby and the pain of his lose still felt near.

After breakfast Delphini gave Teddy a bath. This was his favourite part of the day.  "Teddy bear what are you doing?" she asked as she looked away for a second and saw him throwing bubbles everywhere. Teddy froze. "Busted" Delphini said. She dried him and let him pick out his own outfit because he's "A big boy" and then they were ready to leave the house to meet her friends. Hermione requested especially for you and Ginny to meet her at her house.

Delphini always liked to be early than late, so she arrived slightly earlier than expected. "Can I ring the doorbell mama?" Teddy asked her politely so she nodded.  "Ahh Ahh Ahh" Teddy whinged, trying to reach the doorbell. "Let me help you" Delphini laughed picking him up. Not long after the door opened to Hermione's beaming smile. She and Ron had bought their first house about a year ago, in the middle of the city, near to the Ministry where they both worked. "Delphini!" Hermione yelled. "You're here! I'm so happy you could make it." Hermione smiled. "Is this Teddy?" Ron questioned appearing from behind Hermione. "Yes" 

"He's grown so big" Hermione replied ushering them both in. "I know, it's scary" Delphini replied looking at Teddy, who was now beaming up towards her. "He adores you Delphi, you can tell" Hermione said as they entered her kitchen. "Do you want anything to drink?" Delphini returned her gaze to her friend before answering. "Just some water please" she replied. "I just want to be a good mum for him, I want to make Remus and Tonks proud." Delphini said looking out of the window sadly. "You are, I'm sure of it. Besides, you're only 22"

"I'm Uncle Ron" Delphini heard Ron say to Teddy. "I'm Teddy Remus Lupin" Teddy replied. Delphini just smiled.  "Anyway, I've got to go to work" Ron said kissing Hermione on the top of her head. They seemed much happier than normal today. "Nice seeing you Delphi." Ron said giving her a hug before heading out of the door.  Just as Ron left the room, Ginny walked through into the Kitchen. "Ginny!" Both of them said happily. "Guys, hey, It's so nice to see you guy again" Ginny responded. "Hey Teddy Bear" Teddy quickly jumped up and hugged Ginny, like he did with Hermione.  Some time went by after Hermione let teddy watch some TV. Hermione arrived and then sat down and took a sip of her water.

Delphini screamed. "NO WAY!" she screamed, which startled Hermione and Ginny. "NO WAY!" she repeated now looking deep into Hermione's eyes. "I'm gone for a week and I come back and you're engaged" she said smiling like a child. "Hermione you're not are you?" Ginny questioned confused, but smiling. "To Ron?" She looks shocked. "I never thought. Oh wow. I'm so happy for you" Ginny finished. "Same" Delphini said.  "WHEN?" she then demand. "Last night, we went out to a lovely posh restaurant and yeah.. It happened." Hermione said dreamily. "I'm so excited"

"My best friends are getting engaged!" Delphini squealed. "My little weasel brother is getting married..?" Ginny sniggered, like it was something she couldn't imagine.

They continued to have a laugh. Delphini possibly drank too much, she didn't know. But it was a time to celebrate. She arrived back home at 9:00 and had to carry Teddy up to bed. She gently tucked his blanket over his small body and kissed the top of his head. "I love you" she whispered. Then she walked downstairs and sat in her favourite armchair next to the fire. She knew she shouldn't write to him again, but she couldn't help it. It's probably because she was in a state.

Dear Draco,

You said, "forever," and I almost bought it
I miss fighting in your family house
Breaking dishes when you were disappointed- and the look on your fathers face ;)
I still love you, I promise
Nothing happened in the way I wanted. every corner of this house is haunted I swear
And I know  we're not talking as much as we used to
But I miss you, I'm sorry

I don't wanna go, I think I'll make it worse
Everything I know brings me back to us.
I don't wanna go because we've been here before. All those years ago...

Ron proposed to Hermione.                                                                                                                                              It was really romantic apparently.                                                                                                                                  They've invited you.                                                                                                                                                              Please come. I miss you more than I ever thought I could.

How silly..? I know.

D x

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