Chapter 80: Here we go

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"Wake up, you git!"

"Wha- what?" Draco sputtered. He opened his eyes and Harry and Ron was staring at him, laughing. "C'mon, Draco! You have to start getting ready. We need to be back at the Burrow for the wedding in an hour."

"OK, OK, I'm up!" said Draco. Draco put on his new dress robes and was ready to go with ten minutes to spare. Just as he was slipping into his shoes, Ron entered the bedroom. "This is from Delphini," Ron said, handing Harry a long, flat package wrapped in gold paper. "She also said to give you a kiss, but we both know that won't happen." Harry and Ron laughed. Ron said, "Seriously mate; you've made Delphini happier than I have ever seen her. She loves you. I'm really glad that you're going to like a  brother now as well."

"Thanks, Ron. I am going to do everything I can to make her happy."

"I know mate," Ron shook his head and grimaced. "Enough of this rubbish! Do you have your vows ready?" asked Ron. "All ready," said Draco. "Nervous?"

"Not a bit. Really happy and excited," said Draco. "I don't want to hear about the excited part," said Ron. "She's like my baby sister!!" Ron ran out of the room as Draco  threw a shoe at him, laughing. "Idiot!!" Draco sat back down on the bed and began to open his wedding present. He couldn't believe it; he was staring down at a large picture frame with two openings. One already contained picture of him and Delphini taken a year ago by Hermione on the night that they got engaged. The second opening was empty, ready for a picture of them on their wedding day. A note from her was included, and it read, 

Dear Draco,

My love - my life is yours. It's you and me, Draco. It always has been and it always will be. No matter what the ending, my life began with you.

All of my love,

Delphini x


Delphini was finally ready. After enduring a final bone-crushing hug from Molly Weasley. She was left alone in the bedroom with Hermione. She turned to her and said, "You look so beautiful, Hermione. I'm so glad that you're here with me. You're keeping me very calm!"

"Delphi, I have never seen anyone look as beautiful as you, honestly. That dress is simply indescribable, and your flowers, your hair - everything is just perfect," said Hermione in awe. "Can you walk me down the aisle?" she questioned.  "Of course, Delphi!" Hermione responded smiling at her. 

"Thanks to you! Ron is a very lucky man to be married to a woman like you, Hermione."

"Me, too, Delphi," said Hermione, as she turned Delphini slowly around to face yourself in the full-length mirror. "Would you just look at yourself? Draco is going to be blown away when he sees you!"

"I hope so," Delphini said, smiling, and turning back to her best friend. "Are you nervous?" asked Hermione. "Actually, not at all. Isn't that strange? It took us so long to get here, Hermione. So much has happened to us, all of us, and we came through it all whole. That's just incredible. I can't believe that it's really happening. I am so happy, but that word just doesn't seem like enough somehow. I guess that I'm just very sure that Draco and I are going to make it work." Delphini took a deep breath. "I can't wait to see him!" 

"I'm so glad that you two finally found each other. I was ready to smack Draco in the head if he didn't wake up soon, and travel to see you again!" said Hermione. Mrs Malfoy knocked softly on their door and entered the room. For once, she was speechless. "Delphini,," he stammered. "Thank you Narcissa!" Delphini said smiling. She really liked her. She found her breath, and continued, "Ron, Harry and Draco have just arrived, so we are all ready to start when you are." 

"Is he here?.." Delphini started.  "Yes he's waiting downstairs."

"I've been ready my whole life. Let's not keep the man of my dreams waiting," Delphini smiled. Grasping Narcissa and Hermione's hands, the trio left the room and headed downstairs.

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