Chapter 49: Jimmy's trash

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Author's note: haha sorry this chapter is so cringy. (I wrote this back when I was younger, most of it was inspired by tiktok)

Delphini was in the Great Hall walking up to her friends when she saw her boyfriend Jimmy. She smiled at him. "Hey" she said cheerily. "You're boyfriends waiting." Jimmy told her sternly. "He's not my boyfriend, you can't be serious?" Delphini said getting mad. He probably heard about her ex standing up for her, yesterday, and how she took his side. "I hate him!" Delphini shouted. "Whatever"

"Jimmy" Delphini shouted as he started to walk away. "What?" Jimmy yelled. "Stop!" Delphini shouted. "Why?"

"Because I love you, you idiot!" She yelled. "I knew your lying besides..." Jimmy started. "Besides what?"

"You are so fucking boring!"

"Jimmy" Delphini said with tears in her eyes. "Hey, I'm going to be honest with you cause no one else will. Any guy who says he's interested in you, beyond just fucking you is full of shit."

"Hey Jimmy say that again!" Draco yelled storming over to them two. "You will see what happens" Delphini just cried in Draco's arms. She knew things always went wrong when Jimmy got jealous, but it had never been like this. She knew it was over this time. "Delphini, we need to go, Harry's waiting." Hermione said rushing up towards you. "Sorry" she said making eye contact with Draco. She quickly looked down scared that he'd say something like 'what do you want mud blood?' Like he used to. "What does he want?" Delphini questioned as she ran after Hermione.

"We're on the search for Horcruxes" Hermione replied. Now, Delphini whined to yourself. She just got dumped. 

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