Chapter 13: Malfoy Manor

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Delphini didn't know how many hours had passed since it happened...but for quite some time she was in a state of shock. Sitting there in the dark she questioned everything she had ever known, worried that it was all a trick, that nothing she had ever experienced was really true. She was scared all alone. 

Somehow her thoughts had brought her to some kind of reluctant acceptance, her mind was clearing and was capable of admitting what happened to her was real. Despite how terrified this made Delphini feel, she clung to the realisation, determined that she was not going to lose her mind. She had to keep a steady head if she was going to stand any chance of survival, for that's what everything would be about from now on – she just had to survive.  The darkness made moving around nerve wracking, for she had no idea what she was going to find in front of her. When Mr Malfoy first brought Delphini down here, she  got a very brief glimpse of a cavernous room, but that was all. As she moved she kept her hand pressed against the wall, hoping to not make a sound. 

Still keen to investigate, Delphini tentatively approached and brushed her fingers across the door. It felt like solid timber, but she didn't dare tap her knuckles against it to test. There was no door handle on the inside, and it occurred to her that would be by design. Delphini then got the sudden feeling she wasn't the first person to ever be held captive in the cellar of Malfoy Manor. 

She listened to the commotion of activity, Malfoy giving instructions that Delphini couldn't quite make out. Until her arrival this cellar had no doubt been full of dark and illegal artefacts. Which spooked her out. Delphini thought about Harry, Ron and Hermione, for while she knew they'd be okay, but she also knew they would be in a state, their own minds and imagination driving them mad. If the tables were turned and it was one of them missing she knew she would be going mental. 

Delphini then suddenly heard a loud thud coming down the stairs towards her. Her heart then started to pound.  Was this it? Soon she heard someone rattling their keys trying to open the door to the cellar.  "Hurry up Wormtail, we don't want to keep our guest waiting." Boomed the voice of an unknown figure. "Yes my Lord." Delphini instantly recognised Wormtail from last year's encounter. "Come with me" He sneered. It was the twisted smirk on Wormtail's face that warned Delphini that, despite the discomfort, in a few short hours she would miss her place in the dungeon. 

 He then grabbed Delphini by her shoulder and dragged her upstairs, until she came face to face with The Dark Lord himself.

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