Chapter 93: Astrid Dursley

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Two weeks later, Scorpius leaned around to watch the girl come up the sidewalk from their car. She was lovely, with long brown hair falling past her shoulders onto a teal dress that was cinched at the waist. Scorpius eyed her with obvious appreciation before looking back at the man in front of him with a patented Malfoy smirk.

"There's no way that girl came from your genes," he said.

Something in the man seemed to snap and he stepped closer to the doorway "You disrespectful little brat-"

A full smile bloomed on Scorpius' face as he cut him off, saying, "Oh, you definitely shouldn't talk to me like that." He stepped back feeling his father come up beside him, and watched as Draco put his wand to the man's throat.

"Time for you to leave." Draco said, pressing his wand forward until the man had taken a few steps back.

"My name is Dudley," he said, throwing his hands up in an attempt at surrender. "I'm Harry Potter's cousin." The girl from the car had finally reached them, "Dad, what's going on?" she asked, innocently. Draco allowed himself to be pulled back, sheathing his wand, and fixing Dudley with a disgusted sneer, "If I'd known it was you I wouldn't have bothered with the wand. I would have just hit you." Delphini gently hit Draco as she walked to the front door.

"Dudley," She said, obviously uncomfortable, "You should have called first. It would have made this," she gave a hesitant smile, "better. Don't mind my husband." She said ushering Dudley and his family into the living room. She hugged Dudley.

"What were you thinking?" Delphini said angrily. "He's a guest"

"I didn't know he was Harry's cousin" Draco sneered. However, he tone quickly changed because he couldn't stay mad at her. As she walked out the room, she saw Draco high five Scorpius. "I saw that" She said. "Harry's in the Living room with the rest." She said glaring at Draco. "Sorry Delphini, I didn't," he chanced a glance at Scorpius, "I wasn't trying to make trouble." He moved to the side, "Delphini, this is my daughter, Astrid. She recently received a very important letter."

"Ahhh I was with Harry when you made the call."

"Hello," she said. "Hello Astrid" Delphini replied smiling. "Harry!" Dudley said, smiling. They had got closer after the War.

When the girl stepped up to Harry to shake his hand, Scorpius got a good look at her eyes. They were dual coloured, one green and one blue, but more than that, they were curious. Intensely curious. He watched as she looked briefly up to Harry's face, then let her eyes flutter around, taking in as much information as she could before the handshake was over. In her left hand she was holding a Hogwarts letter, which she offered to Harry. Harry read the letter with a frown on his face, "I see," he said, looking at his cousin, "and now you need my help?"

Dudley gave a helpless shrug, "I was hoping-"

"Uncle Harry," Astrid's voice was sweeter than it had been before, she was looking up at him with large innocent eyes. Scorpius' focus sharpened at the change as he watched her take Dudley's hand. "My Dad told me that you would know what to do. Will you please just answer a few of my questions? I'd be willing to offer something in trade. I am quite good at chores." At the end she flashed Harry the most earnest smile that Scorpius had ever seen, with the obvious exception of Harry's own smiles.

Scorpius cocked an eyebrow at the performance and looked over at his father, who was wearing the exact same expression. They exchanged a quick glance before looking at Harry, who had pretty much melted.

Almost a Slytherin my ass, I'm sure the hat said hufflepuff, Scorpius thought.

"Why don't you both come in for a cuppa?" Harry said. As the two of them walked through the door, Astrid met Scorpius' eye and her earnest smile morphed into a wry grin. Draco nudged his shoulder as they watched the group of three head to the kitchen. "Think we should keep her?" Scorpius felt his neck crack with the speed he jerked it to look up at his father, "Can we do that?"

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