Chapter 68: The Burrow

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It was a week after the war and Harry, Hermione and Ron were staying at the Burrow. "It's weird that she's not here, after she's been with us for years." Ron said looking down from the night sky. "I know" Harry said. "But she's with us here, she didn't die in vain" Hermione said pointing to her heart, with tears in her eyes. Her childhood best friend was gone. "Ron do you normally have visitors this late?" Harry randomly questioned. "It's nearly 10 o'clock."

"What are you talking about Harry, of course not" Harry pointed to a figure arriving on the top of the hill not to far away.  "Who is that?" Hermione asked squinting to get a closer view of the figure. The figure got closer, "It's a girl or a women, she's got long hair"  Ron said as he squinted at the figure. "Ron, men can have long hair too" Hermione said. "We'll have to wait until they come closer." There was silence. Then Harry gasped, stunned. "Harry! What is it?" Hermione asked worried. "We don't have to" Hermione looked around frantically, "What don't we have to do?"

"It's her." Harry said his hand over his mouth. "It's Delphini!" Harry shouted before he ran down the stairs through the living room, past Molly, Arthur and George. "What on earth is going on at this hour?" Mrs Weasley shouted. "Harry's claimed he's seen Delphini on the hill, mum" Ron said rushing past her. "But Delphini's dead..?" Molly asked. "Voldemort used the killing curse... we all saw that!"

"I know.." Hermione said as they bolted out the door. Molly, Arthur and George followed pursuit. The they stopped. Harry was correct. Everyone started crying when they saw her, including Delphini.  "We can't be sure" Arthur said standing in between Delphini and the rest of them.  "Dad what are you doing?" Ron said trying to walk up to her.  Arthur pulled out his wand. "DAD!" Ron screamed. "stop!" Arthur proceeded to lower his wand. Ron stepped forward. "She doesn't spell like Polyjuice potion, she smells still strongly of her perfume she wore the day of the war." Delphini smiled.

Hermione and Harry then ran up to her and engulf her in a massive hug. "I thought you died" Hermione whispered into Delphini's ear - so only the four of them could hear. "So did I" Delphini replied still with tears in her eyes. They all broke away from the hug and saw Arthur and Molly standing there. After a couple of seconds, Mrs Weasley finally says, "Oh Delphini! I'm so happy you're okay. I was so worried that we had lost you." Delphini smiled at her, she had always been like a third mother to her. Delphini stood there for a minute before she slowly smiled and hug her back. "I'm okay, Mrs Weasley" Mrs Weasley pulls back and looks at you again right in her eyes. "Look Delphini, you're now of age, so you can call me Molly"

"Thank you, Molly" She corrected smiling. Arthur looks at her and asked, "How are you feeling, Delphini?" Delphini smiled. "Well enough, a little sore but that's expected" she said making Arthur laugh.  "So what's the plan?" she asked. "There's a memorial at Hogwarts the day after tomorrow, and the day after that we'll have Fred's funeral." Molly replied tearing up after saying Fred's name. "I'm so sorry Molly.. I shouldn't have said that.."

"Delphini, don't try to say that.. What happened to Fred wasn't your fault." Molly said firmly whilst looking directly into Delphini's eyes, until she nod. "Let me make a cuppa and we can all celebrate" Molly said walking off back into the Burrow. Hermione and Ron followed. But Harry stayed and stood next to Delphini. "It's okay, Delphini" Harry said wrapping his arms around her into a hug. "We're here now, all together, just like the old days" she smiled. "Thank you Harry" 

"Does Draco know?" This was the first time you had heard Harry say Draco instead of Malfoy. "No, I wanted to come here first" she said looking down. "I'm going to see him tomorrow." Delphini said. "If there'll let me in" she said chuckling which made Harry laugh too. There was silence. She then looked down and her smile faded. "I feel a little.. a little bit like I failed." she started to say, still looking up at the stars. "I'm watching all my friends go on with their lives, and their all moving forward and it's like I'm stuck here.., standing still. And I can't escape."

"Delphini, look at me" Harry said making you look into his eyes. "You haven't failed. Fred's death, Tonks's death and Lupin's death had nothing to do with you. You did your best besides you survived the killing curse! That's something to boast about" Harry said making her smile for a split second. "You can tell your kids that!" That made Delphini laugh.

"She said I could move in with her and Lupin, stay for a bit and watch Teddy grow up." Delphini recoiled now bursting into tears. "And she said if they both died, I should be the one to look after Teddy, she already planned it with her mum, as he staying with Andromeda." she said wiping her eyes. Harry pulled Delphini in for a hug.  "It's okay Delphini, you'll be a great mum to Teddy."

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