Chapter 32: A beast

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Delphini had just finished their flying lesson, and we're walking back to her next class. She suddenly felt an extreme pain in her left hand side and she felt her body shake vigorously in pain, she tried to not scream. No it couldn't be happening, not now!

 "Delphini are you okay?" Delphini heard Hermione yell at her. "You look like your going to pass out." Harry said growing worried. This was starting to cause a scene from her class, including Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle, who were just staring and glaring at the four of them. Scared, Delphini then rushed towards the Forbidden Forest. Shouting "Please don't come after me" whilst crying. She could hear them shouting for her to come back, but she didn't look back and stop. She knew her eyes would be bloodshot red, not brown anymore. 

She kept running. She wanted it too stop. The pain was growing more intense. She hadn't changed state in a long while, so she wasn't used to her body changing. The last time she had changed was some time during the beginning of the year prior. The beast inside of Delphini grew restless. It wants to escape. She only transform when she gets really angry or want to on purpose. Tough luck Delphini was a Riddle and had her father's temper.

She felt her nails grow longer and her hair started to disappear and turn into scales on the top of her head. Her hands turned into large paws and her back arched into a seriously painful position. Delphini felt she had fully transformed when she felt her skin turn hot. Dumbledore had told her that she was cursed as a child, by her father. So you would turn into a 7ft fire dragon. No one knew why he wanted to curse her, but it happened. 

Delphini was scared. She could smell things for miles away and could hear very quiet details, like leaves crunching. She hated this body because she was cursed into it. But she loved it because It meant she could be free and could fly away from threats such as Death Eaters.

Delphini turned around and immediately growled, stomping her feet. She was scared, no one had ever seen her like this. But she immediately calmed down when she saw McGonagall. She put her hands up in the air to show she wasn't a threat. "I'm so sorry you have to see me like this" Delphini said putting her head down.  "Oh you can talk dear, hmm that's interesting." McGonagall spoke softly. "I'm a monster" Delphini said starting to cry. 

"You're Fire dragon, as you can see" She replied softly pointing to Delphini's body which was made of flames. "I've known you since you were a couple of weeks old, I know you wouldn't do anything dangerous." She smiled. "However, you are very powerful Delphini, just promise me you'll learn how to control it." McGonagall demanded. "I will" Delphini responded, still in her dragon state. "But Professor, I hope you don't mind me asking, but how did you know I was here?" Delphini asked, slowly and quietly. "You're friends came to me saying was strange going on with you and you ran into the Forbidden Forest... I think you should tell them sooner or later" McGonagall replied before turning away and leaving Delphini alone.

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