Chapter 37: the opaul necklace

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Delphini and Leanne were just about to leave the Three Broomsticks, after their drinks and shopping spree, when she saw Harry,Hermione and Ron.

She caught eyes with Harry and gave him a small smile. The truth being, she was slightly bored. Leanne was a nice, shy girl but she loved to spend ages talking about herself and how she came from 'a Pureblood family'.  "Hey, I'm just going to use the bathroom." Leanne just nodded.

Delphini swiftly got up and walked towards the back of the pub to the toilets. She passed through the door and started to walk through the dark empty corridor. Then she felt her head go fuzzy and a person gave her a package. She quickly became very confused, as she heard someone, a women's voice, murmuring something strange. She got told to the give the package to Dumbledore through the Caretaker Filtch.

Instead of going to the bathroom, Delphini walked straight back to the corridor to the table, with a patient Leanne waiting. "Let's go" she said hastily. "We need to go back to Hogwarts"

"Why?" Leanne said stubbornly. "We still need to go to some more shops, as I need to buy a present for my mother." Leanne was starting to get on her nerves. "I'm sorry Leanne, but I really don't care about your mother right now. I just need to give Filch this package so he can give it to Dumbledore, it's urgent." Delphini said storming off. Leanne just stood there for a minute, shocked by her sudden outburst. She then turned around and then made eye contact with Hermione. Who looked just as shocked. Leanne ran after Delphini. "Did I do something wrong? Tell me what I did wrong." Leanne questioned trying to catch up with her friend.

"It's nothing to do with you." Delphini shouted. They both were completely unaware that Harry, Ron and Hermione were leaving the pub and were heading towards them. "What is the parcel?" "Let me see what's in it?" Leanne shouted. This started to form a crowd. How wouldn't want to miss a fight with Voldemort's daughter? "Get off!" Delphini screeched back. They rounded a corner. Delphini tugged the package back from Leanne's grip and the package ripped and fell to the ground. At once, she rose into the air, not as Ron had done previously, but gracefully. Her arms flung back making her chest move forward in an unusual position. It looked gentle yet strange. Delphini's hair was whipped back and her eyes were closed, with no expression on her face. Then about 8ft of the ground, she let out an ear piercing scream of terror.

She couldn't stop screaming. Her eyes suddenly shot open, but your focus was still unclear and fuzzy. Leanne started screaming too, trying to tug Delphini down. Hermione, Harry and Ron turned the corner and saw a crowd of people and people screaming. They pushed past the crowd and stood in shock as they saw Delphini cursed in the air screaming. Hermione immediately ran over to Leanne and tried to help pull her down, by tugging her feet. Ron just stood there with a shocked and terrified expression plastered on his face. Harry immediately looked around.

"Stay here" He shouted. "I'm going for help."

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