Chapter 25: Horcruxes and love-spiked potions

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"I'm just going to visit Professor Slughorn." Harry said abruptly standing up. "Is everything okay, Harry?" Delphini asked shaken by his abrupt moves. "Yes, he just wanted me to visit him at Lunch yesterday but I forgot." Harry got up ad immediately leaves the Great Hall, knocking into a few First years, as he passes by them.  "What's wrong with him?" Ron asked. "I'm not sure" Delphini replied, as confused as him.

Hermione held Delphini's hand under the table. "Don't worry about him." She whispered to you. 

Harry ran through the corridor towards Professor Slughorn's room. "Harry, what are you doing here, it's late?" Slughorn questioned. "I have something that's playing on my mind and I need to ask a teacher, but I'm not sure who I can trust." Harry said, trying to remember what Tom Riddle had said all those years ago. "What do you want to know, Harry?"

"I was in the library the other day and I read something about Horcruxes and I wasn't sure about what they are. So I thought you would know, as you are the potions teacher."

"Harry, that is something I can't tell students. Horcruxes are extremely dangerous. Did Dumbledore put you up to this? Is so you can tell him that he's not getting anything out of me." Slughorn protested. "So you did do something?" Harry questioned. "One day I'm going to make you tell me."

Delphini was just finishing her dinner when Harry came rushing back to sit next to her. "He's not going to tell me. I need to find another way." 

"Who, Professor Slughorn?" she asked. "Yes, Dumbledore is adamant that Professor Slughorn is keeping something from everyone."

"Really? Ahh" she said. "He's always seemed a bit suspicious."  Harry pulls out the Marauder's Map to try and locate where in Hogwarts Draco is. Ron spots him in the Slytherin common room. "Do you still think he's up to something?" Delphini asked Harry.  "Yes, Delphini, I believe your boyfriend is a Death Eater." Harry  shouted as he continued to regularly consult the Marauder's Map to check on Draco's whereabouts. Sometimes he is unable to locate him on the map at all.

"He's vanished, again" Harry said frustrated. 


Delphini sat in front of the Fireplace, putting her hands obviously too close to the fire, but she liked the feel of pain in her fingers. Hermione had already gone to bed and  Harry and Ron were somewhere. But Delphini was fine she liked the peace and quiet. 

However Peace and quiet didn't exist at Hogwarts. Harry burst in the common room holding up Ron. Delphini immediately ran over to them. "Harry, what happened?" she said frantically. "He ate these chocolates that Romilda vane gave to me." "Love potion." "He's now obsessed with her, he hasn't shut up about her all the way up the stairs." They both started laughing.  "Can you help me take him to Slughorn." "Of course" Delphini said seriously. "Where's Romilda, Delphini?" Ron asked curiously, looking into her eyes.

"I'm not sure" Delphini replied giving Harry a look of 'I don't know what to say'. 


They both carry Ron to Professor Slughorn's classroom. "Harry again at this time? Oh hello Delphini." Slughorn said just noticing her. "What happened to him?" He said pointing disgustedly at Ron who looked high. "Extreme love potion" Harry said. "A student gave them to me, but Ron ate them." Harry said talking quickly. "We need you to make a remedy, quick, he's gone all weird." Delphini said. "Bring Ron here." Slughorn said pointing the three to a sofa.

Slughorn then hurried away to prepare an antidote. Delphini took Ron and made him sit on the sofa and she sat next to him.  "You know you look a lot like Romilda, your hair." Ron said smiling at you and then the floor.  "Do I?" You said. "My hair is brown and curly. Romilda has black, curly hair." You said laughing "I think we look very different"

"If I can't have her I'll be with you and we can grow up together and have a family." Ron said dreamily. Delphini and Harry just laughed. "Wait till Lavender hears this." she whispered to Harry. Harry just laughed. "She's dating Malfoy, Ron." Harry reminded his red haired friend. "What?" Ron said confused. "Dating Malfoy, huh?" Slughorn said walking towards them with Ron's antidote.  "Yes" Delphini said. "I didn't know that he was in love, I mean he doesn't seem like the person to date someone."

"I know" she said "Neither did I"

"Here Ron drink up." Ron drank the quickly.  Harry went back to talking to Slughorn. But Delphini noticed he had white foam pourring out of his mouth. She screamed. Now Harry and Slughorn's eyes were on her and then Ron who was on the floor still couching up white foam. Professor Slughorn just stood there shocked.  "Are you going to do anything?" Harry screeched.

Delphini rushed down and try a counter curse, which doesn't fully work. So she sprint to the cabinet and find a bezoar, which she shoved down Ron's throat. Ron gasps and goes still. He then sits up, not knowing what was going on. Delphini just embraced him in a massive hug. Ron hugged back, confused at what was going on. "Never eat my chocolates, Ron." Harry said laughing.

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