Chapter 46: The Battle Of The Seven Potters

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"Potter, you're underage. Which means you still have the trace on you." Moody spoke quickly. "What's the trace?" Harry questioned. "If you sneeze, the Ministry will know who wipes your nose. Point is we'll have to use those means of transport the trace can't detect. Brooms, thestrals, and stuff the like. We'll go in pairs, that way if anyone's out there waiting for us, and I reckon there will be, they won't know which Harry Potter is the real one."

"The real one?" Harry said confused.

Moody brought out a vile of  Polyjuice potion, "I believe you're familiar with this particular brew." he said shaking his bottle of Polyjuice potion. "No, absolutely not!" Harry demanded.

"Told you he'd take it well." Delphini said folding her arms and staring at Harry. "Harry, Harry, Harry." Hermione said trying to get Harry's attention. "Can't you see we're doing this for your protection?" Harry gave Delphini and Hermione a reluctant look.  "Fair warning, it tastes like goblin piss." Moody said handing the potion to Fred. "Have lots of experience with that, do you, Mad-Eye?" Moody glared. "Just trying to diffuse the tension." Fred said which made Delphini laugh and Moody glare at her.

After being transformed into Harry:

"Look away, I'm hideous!" Delphini said trying to cover herself." "Damn Harry, your eyesight really is awful." Hermione said trying on Harry's glasses. "Wow, we're identical!" Fred and George said in sync. The time was close and everyone was mounting their broomsticks.  "Guess that leaves me and you Ron" Tonks said sweetly to Ron. Her gesture knocked over a mug tree which made Lupin smile at her clumsiness.  The flying motorcycle roared and Hagrid let them into the sky. The remaining members of the Order Of The Phoenix followed, speeding of into the night.

The Death Eaters will swarm the place in a couple of days but Harry wont be their Delphini thought to herself.

The dozens of black robed figures of brooms of their own materialised around the lot of them. Delphini didn't even have enough time to mentally curse before they were throwing killing curses towards her.


"Hang on!" Tonks shouted to Ron, as she steered her broom directly towards a Death Eater. The immediately fell behind, firing killing curses. She went into a series of corkscrew manoeuvres, dodging their curses and firing her own, Ron did the same. One Death Eater burst into flames, while a killing curse of hers caught  a Death Eater in the head. Now only one Death Eater followed them.  She shot a curse at the remaining Death Eater but he reflected it. "Has shagging the werewolf made you weak?" The Death Eater sneered. 

Tonks scowled. 

She waved her wand but it wasn't a curse, It was an attempt at Transfiguration. The Death Eater moved trying to shield himself, but because their wasn't any energy to deflect, he turned into a field mouse and fell from his broom to his death.  Tonks grinned. A curse whizzed past Tonks's ear, she turned around and saw another Death Eater, hot in pursuit.  "STUPEFY!" Ron yelled and the Tonks turned around to see the Death Eater falling to his death. "Great job Ron! You saved me" Tonks smiled. She saw out of the corner of her , Ron smile.

Behind her, the noise of the battle began to fade. Tonks frowned. Was it that easy? She questioned to herself.  "Are you okay, Ron?" Tonks questioned, to Ron who was now looking more petrified as he spotted two more Death Eaters hurtling towards them. Ron faked a nod.

"Watch out!" Ron yelled as he shot a stupefy spell at one of the Death Eaters, causing him to fall off his broom. The Death Eater dove above them, hurtling two killing curses missing her by inches.


Meanwhile, Delphini was having her own problems. A squadron of Death Eaters set off after her, baying for blood. 

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