Chapter 55:Snatchers

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"That treacherous old bleeder! Is there no one we can trust?" Ron asked as the four of them made it further into the forest. We've been here Delphini thought to herself, she looked around and she quickly notice that Hermione's scarf isn't tied around the tree anymore.  "They've kidnapped Luna because she supported me, He's just desperate." Harry implored.

"We need to go now!" Delphini said after hearing a twig snap behind her, but the others don't hear. She pulled out her wand and Ron volunteered to put up an enchantment spell. Delphini quickly turn around to come face to face with a group of snatchers.  "Hello beautiful." Scabior grinned as he looks at Hermione. "Run!" Delphini yelled, as they  ran further into the woods.  "Well, don't just hang in there. Snatch 'em!" Scabior instructed. Delphini, Hermione, Harry and Ron raced through the forest, trying to outrun the snatchers. Only Hermione and Delphini defended themselves with spells, Harry's wand was broken and Ron didn't think of it, he just ran.

"Kill them" Hermione begged as they ran through the trees. Delphini quickly turned around and see three chasing them all. She deflected their curses and hurtled her own, one hitting one in the chest and another in the head. Two down. She continued running trying to catch up with Harry.

Delphini looked to see another Snatcher catching up to Harry. She continue and look up to see  some more Snatchers running through the trees above. Delphini and Hermione continued to throw spells at the Snatchers, making them drop like flies. Delphini sprint towards Harry and Hermione. "Where's Ron?" she questioned growing worried. "If she kills anyone else, the red one dies." Scabior exclaimed pointing at Delphini, grinning as he walked towards the three others, holding onto Ron with a firm grip.

"Don't touch her!" Ron yells as Scabior walks closer to Hermione, looking at her lustfully. Greyback picks Delphini up and dumped her next to Ron. Greyback punched Ron in the face and Hermione immediately begins to scream and cry, telling him to stop. "Please stop!" Hermione shouts between tears. "Your boyfriend will get worse if he doesn't behave, lovely." Scabior smiles, but then he turns to you and Harry. "What happened to you ugly?" Scabior questioned Harry. Harry doesn't speak. Greyback turns to look at Scabior. "No not you."

"Long story" Delphini growled at him trying to break free from Greyback's grip. "You're feisty, I like that. What's your name sweetheart?" Scabior said walking closer to her and started stroking her hair.  "Angelina. Angelina Johnson. Half-blood." Delphini lied. It was the first name that came into her head. "Now Angelina, why did you feel the need to kill of half my men?" Scabior asked her as he trailed his finger down her face to rest of her throat. "You know that wasn't a polite thing to do." Scabior sneered.  "I'm not known for my manners." Delphini sneered. "And you?" Scabior asks, turning to Harry. "Vernon. Vernon Dursley. Half-blood" Harry spat.  "How about you, lovely? What do they call you?" Scabior asked walking extremely close to Hermione, who is now feeling extremely uncomfortable with Scabior hitting on her.

"Penelope. Penelope Clearwater. Half-blood." Hermione lied. "You smell like Vanilla, Penelope. I think you're going to be my favourite."

"There's no Vernon Dursley on the list." Another Snatcher exclaimed. Scabior turns back to Delphini and Harry. Obviously annoyed. "Hear that ugly? You're names not on the list. Why don't you tell us who you actually are?" "Hm?" Scabior asks Harry.  "The list is wrong, I told you who I am." Harry muttered. "Change of plans boys, we're not taking them to the Ministry." Scabior informed. It's now or never. Delphini kicked Scabior's leg and knock him back. Greyback suddenly picked her up and slammed her against a nearby tree and then drops her. Delphini felt blood trickling down her face as she felt like she was going dizzy. 

Scabior lifted her up by her shirt and he grinned as he wiped the blood from her face. "Don't worry, I like my women feisty, and so do my friends." Scabior assured. "We'll take them to our master."

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