Chapter 83: Pregnant

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You and Draco had been married for two and a half years. One cold, December morning you were sitting on the edge of the bath, lost for words. Draco had gone to work and she had a day off training. 

Your breathing hitched in your throat as you stared at the small pregnancy test stick in your hand. You couldn't believe it. Two pink lines had just appeared on the screen. You were pregnant. "This is actually happening." You whispered as you set the test down before running a hand through your hair. You got up and walked over to the sink then turned it on. Cupping some cool water in your hands, you put it on your face. Then someone knocked on the door to your room. You hurried to turn the water off then grabbed a small towel then dried your face.

"Delphini?" Hermione called from outside the door. "What does it say?"

Shaking, you stood up and went to unlock the bathroom the door. When you held up the muggle pregnancy test, Hermione gasped, clapping her hands to her mouth.

"Delphini!" She squealed, hugging her best friend.

"I know!" You hugged her back.

"How are you going to tell Draco?" Hermione asked, once they drew apart.

"I don't know!" You said, excited. "I guess I'll tell him at dinner?"

                                                                                       .    .    .

You have been waiting the whole night to tell Draco you are pregnant and after seeing him with the children you became less nervous.

Draco was late home from work that day. When he opened the door, he could smell cooking. You were pacing the kitchen, making sure everything was perfect. The candles were lit, the cutlery was perfectly aligned and the lasagne was just as Draco liked it.

"Hello," You smiled when he walked in the door.

"What's the occasion?" He commented, looking at the immaculate kitchen and your unusually smart dress.

"Nothing," You smiled. "Sit down." "I feel like I should change," He joked. You sat down opposite him, watching him nervously as he eat. "This is delicious, Delphi."

"Thanks," You half-laughed. "How was work?" "Same old," He nodded. "Nothing much, there was an attack on a muggle, but nothing serious. How was your day?" "Well," You paused.

"Yeah?" He asked. "I was feeling a bit funny," You explained. "So I went to see Hermione, and she suggested I..." "You what?" He asked. He stopped eating, sensing you was uncomfortable. He took both your hands in his.

"She suggested I took a pregnancy test," You swallowed. Why was you so nervous about this? You knew only too well how eager Draco was to start a family. "Right..." Draco said slowly. "And, well," You bit her lip, smiling. "I'm pregnant!"

He froze, shocked. When he didn't say anything, your smile dimmed. "Draco? Is this good news?" You asked him, voice wavering slightly. Still, he said nothing, just stared at you, shocked, paler than normal, breathing harshly.

You grabbed his face and brought it to yours, resting their foreheads against each other. "Draco? I need you to breathe. Breathe with me." You inhaled deeply, before exhaling slowly. You did this a few times with him, until his breathing slowed. "Are you okay?" You asked him softly.

He shook his head, unshed tears glistening in his grey eyes, making them shine brightly. "Draco, say something, please?" You pleaded. "I don't-I don't know what to think. What's going through my head, it's all jumbled." He told her, pulling her to him.

"Why aren't you happy?" You questioned. "I don't want to be like my father." Draco told her. "I want to raise my child right. Not to raise my child in fear of me."

Your eyes filled with tears, "You won't be like him." "I don't want to be, but it's my fear. I fear that I'm going to be like him and 'rule' with my wand and curses and not by love of my child." His voice shook with undeniable fear.

You pulled him closer, no space between their bodies, and hugged him close. "You have nothing to fear, love. I'll be by your side, making sure you don't become him. I don't have any doubt that you will be your own self, not your father. Just know, I will be there for you and your unborn child growing inside of me."

"You are not mad anymore?" You asked.

"No. I am the happiest man alive." He said with a smile before giving you another kiss as he placed his hands on your stomach.

You three were going to be a family. Draco was going to be a great dad. You giggled, as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. "I'm happy too," You whispered.

                                                        .      .       .

"She's pregnant?" Lucius snapped.

"She is also sat right here," You said.

Lucius completely ignored her and turned to Draco, who had known that telling his parents they were pregnant would go terribly. Still, it was much better than when they had excitedly announced that they were engaged. Draco still had nightmares about the disaster that had been their wedding.

"It'll be a blood traitor before it can speak!" Lucius exclaimed.

"Are we still using that term?" You said loudly, "it's a bit outdated, don't you think? I much prefer the term, 'decent human being,'"

Narcissa shuffled awkwardly in her seat.

"I, for one, am happy for you both,"

"Thank-you, mother,"

"I dislike the direction in which our family is heading," Lucius said.

"I dislike the way it has been for the last few decades," You replied.

"I think it's time to go!" Draco said, jumping up, "Lovely to see you, mother, father,"

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