Chapter 4: Quidditch

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A week later:

Leta was sitting in the Quidditch stands next to Hermione watching Harry and Ron. The cold breeze went straight through her and made her shiver even if though she was wearing gloves. Leta kept seeing Hermione looking over a Ron and cheer when he saved and she started to get the impression that she was getting feelings for him, but whenever she would bring it up, Hermione would always tell her otherwise. 

Leta, on the other hand, would keep looking at Cormac. She had, had a crush on him since second year. He kept staring at her as well, and kept showing off to others to impress her. Leta thought it was cute. He was her first boyfriend. He was everything for a couple of months.

"How was your date with McLaggen? Hermione questioned. "Horrible, you were so right, he's a pig."  Leta lied because she knew she wasn't fond of him. "Sorry for that, but I did tell you." Leta felt her cheeks blush as he looked at her again. But she turned away just in time, so Hermione didn't see. 

At the match- a day later:

"Is McLaggen staring at you, Leta?" "What?" her thoughts were interrupted. "Obviously not" Leta said trying to act like she didn't care, even though inside she did. "Confundus" Hermione whispered into her hand. Immediately Cormac's broom, moved to one side, meaning the other team scored. He was so confused. "Hermione!" Leta said loudly. She then went quiet, realising what she had done. "So it went horribly then?" Hermione said laughing. "Shut up" Leta muttered annoyed. "I don't like him, but I think you're cute together."

"Look Fred has the Quaffle." "Look, he's going to pass to Angelina." Leta's face dropped when she said Angelina's name. In the first year she had a slight crush on Fred, but she knew he had a huge crush on Angelina. They started dating when Leta was halfway through her second year. Her thoughts were yet again interrupted by Hermione screaming and jumping up and down because Angelina had scored. A couple of minutes later you heard a large BOO from the Griffindor fans, Slytherin Captain Marcus Flint had scored. But Griffindor morale was high again when Harry once again caught the Golden snitch. "We won!!!!" Screamed Hermione into Leta's left ear. "I know."

Leta was really happy for her team, but she was sad because she couldn't play the next couple of games because of an accident from the previous quidditch match. Leta took the bludger to the head and she was unconcious for the next week. Griffindor Captain Oliver Wood said It would best if she took a couple of matches of. "Come on, Leta, let's go congratulate the boys." She said dragging her friends arm and pulling Leta into the crowd. 


Once they had arrived in the Griffindor common room, Hermione ran over to Harry and congratulated him. Cormac and Ron caught Leta's attention. "Hey weasley, thank you for setting me up with your friend, Leta." Cormac told Ron. Ron looked very please with himself.  Hermione came up behind Leta. "Oh fuck, I think I forgot how to breathe." Leta quickly said and Hermione laughed.

Hermione was about to congratulate Ron but saw him kissing a fellow Griffindor Lavender Brown. Lavender Brown was an annoying, innocent girl with long curly blonde hair and a giggly baby voice that could be heard from a mile away. Leta couldn't stand her and neither could Hermione because when she turned to talk to Hermione she was gone. Harry must have noticed because he asked Leta where Hermione was and followed her out of the room. Leta felt awful for Hermione because she was the only one that knew she loved Ron. 

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