chapter 8: October

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It was the 1st of October and tomorrow the students from BeauxBatons Academy Of Magic and Durmstrang Institute are meant to be arriving. Delphini and Hermione were most excited to see the students. 


Students and staff, from Beauxbatons Academy of magic were transported by use of the Beauxbatons Carriages. The carriages were light blue, pulled by a dozen winged horses. They looked stunning. The students wore pale blue robes made of fine silk. 

However students and staff from Durmstrang Institute were transported by the Durmstrang Ship. You read that it was a magical ship that could underwater. The school was willing to accept international students from as far afield as Bulgaria. However they did not admit, muggle borns.


"You-know who's daughter is at this school.." One Beauxbatons girl whispered to her friends. "I wonder who she is?" Another replied. "I heard she's in Griffindor." Fleur added as she turned to look at Harry.

"SILENCE!!!" Dumbledore shouted so he could be heard over the loud noise of chattering. The room fell silent as he proceeded to call out the names that came out of the Goblet. He up the extra piece of parchment that flew out. Dumbledore then paused, this wasn't a good sign. "Harry Potter" Dumbledore said loudly as an extra piece of paper came out. He spoke again, louder, "Harry Potter." Dumbledore then ran towards Harry, who was sitting next to Delphini, and screamed. "Harry, did you put your name into the Goblet of fire?" Harry just looked at him confused. "Of course not, I'm not 17, I can't compete."

"Everyone leave whilst we sort this out, except for you Harry." Dumbledore said and Delphini and Hermione looked at Harry confused as they were rushed out of the room by McGonogall.


"All right, Potter. Explain," Dumbledore growled. "To put it bluntly, I didn't do it," Harry said. Moody and Snape snickered as McGonagall glared at them. "I didn't enter my name, and I didn't ask anyone to do it for me, but obviously they did."

"Show me the slip with my name on it, and I'll tell you," Harry countered. Dumbledore thrust the slip of parchment into Harry's hand almost angrily. Harry examined the slip, and smirked. "This isn't my handwriting. This is Snape's. I'd know it anywhere, as he loves to mark random things in my essays." Dumbledore spluttered with rage, while Snape was incandescent. "You think I would waste my time killing you, Potter?" McGonagall took the parchment from Harry and confirmed it. She stalked toward Snape like a cat stalks a mouse. "If you touch him, Snape, I will kill you." 

Then she turned on Dumbledore, and snarled, "He will not compete. He didn't enter and isn't eligible to enter, therefore he can't compete."

"It's a binding magical contract. His name came out, so he entered. He must compete, or he'll die for breaking the contract," Dumbledore said firmly.


"Now that we're all here, let's get started," Ludo Bagman said cheerfully and started positioning the champions along the bank of the lake, leaving about 10 feet between them. Once he was in position, Harry removed his robe, socks, and shoes and waited for the signal to start. "What in the world is he wearing?" muttered Draco wrinkling his nose at the strange form-fitting outfit that Harry had on. "It must be some sort of weird Muggle thing," Blaise said absently, his eyes fixed on Fleur Delacour. "Potter was raised by Muggles wasn't he?"

Once all the champions had disappeared into the lake the crowd settled down to wait. "I'm not even sure why we're bothering to watch this," Draco huffed. "It's not like we'll be able to see any of the action."

"Don't worry Draco, I'll provide you with some action," Pansy purred as she snuggled into Draco's side. Draco just shook her off and Pansy huffed.


Delphini's underwater. Why is she here? She remembered going to bed last night in her common room after talking with Harry about the second challenge. She then started to panic and choke. Delphini then looked beside her and she saw Hermione, Cho and Fleur's sister, Gabrielle she thought. 

Delphini began to feel unconcious and slowly closed her eyes. She suddenly feel her legs being tugged, as Harry pulled her down in the water and tried to get her to the surface as well as tugging Gabrielles. Delphini faintly saw the merpeople as they watched the champions swim around, with spears clutched in their hands, and they tried to stop Harry when he tried to save more than one person, her and Gabrielle.

Harry let Gabrielle float to the surface. Which left Delphini and Harry under water as he was getting attacked. He tried to bring her up with him, but the merpeople grabbed onto her, cutting deeply into her leg with their spears. Delphini tried to scream but no sound came out.


Draco was searching for  Delphini. She was always their supporting her 'stupid' friend Pottah he muttered to himself.  After minutes of searching he reckoned she must be one of the people underwater. He just hoped she was safe. He then realised he had feelings for her but quickly shut them out. He must of starting to worry as he began to pace and a fellow Slytherin asked if he was okay. He ignored her and continued to keep his attention to the lake.


Harry managed to escape the grips of the merpeople and pulled Delphini up to safety who had soon become very weak as she was loosing a lot of blood from the wounds on your leg. Delphini quickly reached the surface and was very relieved to see smiling faces and not the faces of monsters in the water.  "It looks like Potter rescued Delcour's hostage as well as his own," Blaise commented. "Of course he did," sneered Draco. "Always has to play the hero doesn't he? He's probably hoping that the extra rescue will make up for being the last to get back to shore."

Delphini felt herself being lifted onto the dock. She was shivering and embarrassed as she was in your nightie. She was handed a towel from another Griffindor.  "It looks like Delacour appreciates Potter's heroics," smirked Pansy, with a sly look at Blaise, as the blond champion swooped down on Potter, kissing his cheeks, before doing the same with Delphini.

Just as they were announcing the winners, Delphini felt a sharp pain in her leg which caused her to scream out in pain. Suddenly everyone was looking at her. Dumbledore, Igor karkaroff and many other members of staff swarmed around her like a bear to a honey pot.  "What happened, Mr Potter?" Dumbledore asked Harry in a worried tone. "They got her"He answered quickly still out of breath. "Who got her?" Dumbledore demanded as he grabbed the hem of Harry's shirt. "The merpeople, they tried to attack me when I was escaping with two people. One's spear went into her leg."

 "No No this is very bad, Ms Riddle needs to go to the Infirmary immediately." Dumbledore ordered as he shook his head. Igor karkaroff looked at Dumbledore and then back at Delphini. You-know who's daughter? She's dead? That's what he believed anyway. Suddenly, Delphini felt herself being pulled onto a stretcher and being carried off to the infirmary. "What's wrong with her Dumbledore?" said Harry trying to catch up with Dumbldore as he had immediately left after you was sent away. "Merpeople venom is very dangerous... It can lead to many dark side effects.. Harry, when she's excused from the Infirmary you must look after her, oh and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." And with that Dumbledore was gone.

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