Chapter 28: Another death and Harry's hate for Draco

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"Did you hear that Voldermort has killed again?" Delphini said whilst reading the local magazine. "What?" Harry questions as he is too busy watching Draco to see if he's doing anything suspicious. "I Said Voldermort has killed again for gain and not revenge." Delphini repeated. "How do you know?" Harry now moved closer. "Here look at this." Delphini said leaning over, closer to Harry, to show him the newspaper article. "Voldermort kills again." Harry reads out loud. "Muggle killed by The Dark Lord in order to make another Horcrux. A muggle owned the Locket and had possession of Helga Hufflepuffs Cup.  The Dark Lord killed this muggle to own the locket and the Cup and then framed Hepzibah's old House elf- Hokey for it." 

"Poor house elf" Hermione said. From the fourth year Hermione had a growing love of house elves and wanted them to have freedom. "This means he's going to get more powerful isn't he?" Ron asked worriedly. "Yes, but if we find these Horcruxes we can destroy them and make him weaker." Delphini said. "That's good." Ron said sighing. "He's going to the seventh floor again with some other people, probably people going to see if anyone's watching him and to keep an eye out. I need to go and check, we could find out so much interesting things." Harry said leaping up from his seat, very suddenly, clutching onto the Maurader's map.

Delphini was getting worried for Harry as he let his responsibilities slip, choosing instead to spend most of his time chasing Draco around the school. Harry's growing obsession with Draco's whereabouts is starting to bother her, Hermione and Ron and it's distracting him from his priorities. She keep telling him that there is no way he will be able to gain access to the Room of Requirement without first knowing what Draco is using the room for. He will also randomly leave the three of them and there'll have no clue where he is for the rest of the day.

 Harry spends the entire day trying his best to get inside the Room Of Requirements. "One last try" Harry said quietly to himself. "What would Malfoy need?" Harry thought to himself. Yet again it didn't work. Harry was annoyed that he had spent a day trying to get in and hadn't and that he would have Dumbledore going on about retrieving a memory from Slughorn 'Which could be really important.' Just as Harry is about to leave to walk to Slughorn's office, he hears someone call his name. "Harry, is that you?" Harry turns around to see Tonks again. 

 By now, Harry is fairly certain that Tonks is not consistently rescuing him by coincidence, but because she has been assigned to watch over him by Dumbledore. "Yes, I'm really sorry Tonks, but I really can't talk right now." Harry said trying to be polite. "I need to talk to Professor Slughorn." Tonks just nodded, "That's ok, Harry." Tonks said sweetly. 

As Harry walked towards Slughorn's office he thought about how he was happy you had a lovely cousin and someone left in your family. To make up for having Voldermort and Bellatrix as your parents.

Finally he arrived at Slughorn's door.

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