Chapter 91: Ondine Narcissa- Eliette Malfoy

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This year, as the clock struck midnight, the Healer passed you your newborn baby.

"It's a girl," The healer said, kindly.

"Huh?" You gasped, weeping and beaming as you cradled your daughter.

"You've got a baby girl," The healer repeated, smiling down at her.

"That's amazing," You whispered, pulling back the blankets to show your daughter's perfect face. "Oh, do we know what time she was born? I've completely lost track..."

"Er, Delph," Draco said, grinning at the Healer. "A slightly more important question is what date."

"Why?" You said, confused. "What do you mean?"

"She was born dot on midnight, by my watch," The Healer said.

"And mine," Draco added. "Oh," You said slowly, comprehension dawning on you. "So she's got the same birthday as Fr- as George."

"Yeah," Draco said, a lump in his throat. "Speaking of which, I expect we're going to have some visitors later on in the day."

"Oh, great," You said sarcastically.

Draco smiled at you, bent down, took your head in his hands and kissed you. "Well done baby," He whispered.

                                                                                              .      .     .

Unlike Scorpius' birth, Ondine's had been relatively trouble free, so you and Ondine were allowed to return home later that same day.

You were overwhelmed and happy as Draco stepped back to let her through the threshold, carrying Ondine in a carrier. You had a perfect, baby daughter with soft, chocolate eyes and a few tufts of light brown hair. You knew she was going to look like you when she grew up.

"Congratulations!" Hermione squealed, as soon as You stepped into the hallway. She ran at you and bent down to look at the baby. "She's tiny!" Hermione exclaimed. "Really, really small!"

You laughed. It was true, Ondine was much, much smaller than Scorpius. You glanced up from your daughter to look at Hermione, who was watching Ondine wistfully. "Do you want to hold her?" You said, smiling.

"Yes please," Hermione grinned, biting her bottom lip. You laughed as you bent down to unstrap Ondine and hand her to Hermione, who rocked her gently as she smiled and talked to her.

"You're gorgeous, you are," She cooed. "You're going to be an amazing, beautiful girl, aren't you? Yes you are, yes you are!" "Just like your mother!" Hermione continued to coo and blow raspberries at Ondine.

Ron rolled his eyes behind Hermione's back and Draco smirked as he picked up a small bag that you had taken to the hospital in case you had to stay overnight and dodged past Hermione to the kitchen where he could hear Teddy and Scorpius.

"Daddy!" They both screamed, causing Draco to smile.

"Hello, little man, Draco grinned, ruffling both Teddy and Scorpius' hair in turn. "Hey, do you two want to come and meet your baby sister?"

"Yeah!" Teddy said eagerly, jumping off the broom so suddenly it crashed into a cupboard. He too, ran over to Draco.

Hermione entered the kitchen. "Delphini's in the lounge," She told him. "I'm making her a cup of tea, do you want some?" "Yes please," Draco said gratefully.

"Now," He whispered, pausing outside the door. "We need to be very quiet because she's only very little and if you're too loud and start jumping around you're going to scare her, okay?"

Smiling, Draco opened the door to the living room to reveal you sitting on the far sofa, cradling Ondine. You looked up as the door opened and beamed when you set eyes on her sons.

"Hey boys!" You smiled at them. "Come and meet your sister!"

Glancing up at Draco, who nodded encouragingly to them, Scorpius and Teddy stepped cautiously over to you and crawled onto the sofa next to her, Scorpius curling into her lap.

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