Chapter 9: Recovery

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Delphini lay down in many layers shivering in the infirmary bed. Hermione was asleep on Ron's nap as he read a magazine. When he suddenly shouted  "Bloody hell, Delphini."  "You've slept for three days straight." Ron continued to say. Immediately waking up Hermione.  Delphini begin to laugh. "That sounds like me" 

Delphini stayed still laughing until she notice Harry sitting on the end of her bed, looking down not seeming like himself. She looked at Harry for a couple of seconds and then locked eyes with Hermione. Delphini also saw Draco and his friends walk past the infirmary. He slowed down enough to lock eyes with her for a bit, giving her and worried look. She return his look with a weak smile. Blaise then pulls him away and he disappears out of view. Hermione noticed and looked at Delphini and then said "Ron let's go and some more food from the Hall, I'm still really hungry." "Thought you'd never ask." Ron said excitedly, completely oblivious. Delphini gave a small smile to Hermione as she shut the door. 

There was awkward silence for a while before Harry spoke up. "Delphi... i'm so sorry that happened to you." "I could of done something... but I was weak. You could of died, you know I would do anything to protect you." 

"Harry" Was all she could say, before she wiped a tear from falling down his cheek. "You're one of my best friends, I know you did everything you could, It wasn't your fault. Go on you better catch up with Ron and Hermione. I'll be fine." Harry then walked towards the door but stopped suddenly and turned around to look at her.  "Leta... sorry Delphini, I'm sorry about my outburst the other day, it's just a lot to take in at once." Harry spoke softly looking straight into your eyes.

"It's ok, I understand."

They both exchanged smiles and waves and then Harry too was gone.

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