Chapter 59: Dumbledore's house

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Harry woke with a scream. He arched up off the bed, his body and head aching. The young wizard could still feel the burning of the snake bites to his wrist and leg and his back was sore. But worse than his physical pain was an ache he couldn't quite identify. He had just watched Voldemort kill his parents through Voldemort's own eyes. Harry had been wrong. His father hadn't been killed in the living room. His dad had been killed in the hallway.

Wiping away his tears, Harry opened his eyes and looked around. He did not recognize the room he was in. Reaching out, the young wizard found that his glasses and his wand had been left on the bed stand next to him and the Sword of Gryffindor was leaning up against the wall.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, the injured wizard looked around. He was in a rather large bedroom on a large four poster bed. The bed was soft and inviting and he could tell the sheets were of good quality. The room was richly decorated in blue and gold, reminding Harry of the Ravenclaw colours.

Harry slid out of the bed and onto the thick cream coloured carpet and he made his way to the door and holding his wand ready, opened it. He walked across the corridor until he got to a room, which the door was ajar. Harry entered and walked over to the large bookcase that took up one entire wall, Harry's gaze was drawn to a group of photos. He didn't know the people in most of the photos, but he recognized the snapshot of the original Order of the Phoenix that Moody had shown him several years earlier. He smiled for a moment as he watched his mother and father subtly flirt in the photo.

A feeling of loneliness swept through Harry for a moment. Pushing aside his feelings, Harry continued his exploration of the room. He saw a grouping of plaques on a low set table. One of them read – Albus Dumbledore Educator of the Year – 1950.

Turning, Harry looked at the phoenix in astonishment. "This is Professor Dumbledore's house?"

Fawkes trilled in response. "Is it okay that I'm here?" Harry asked hesitantly. Fawkes just gave him a look that made him feel a bit silly for asking. Flying over to the desk, the phoenix grabbed a stack of books from the edge of the desk and carried them back over to Harry.

25 July, 1899

We found Ignotus Peverell's grave in the graveyard behind the church. It is rather worn, but you can still read the words and the symbol for the Deathly Hallows is on his grave. This proves what Gellert has been saying all along. Ignotus, Antioch, and Cadmus were real and they lived here in Godric's Hollow at least at some point. Could it be that the three Hallows were all here at some point in time? Gellert wants to trace the records to see if we can discover what happened to the brothers.

1 August, 1899

Gellert said something very disquieting today. I agree with him that wizard dominance is a good idea for the greater good. We should take responsibility for those who do not have the power with which we have been blessed, but I am not entirely certain that Gellert wants only to help Muggles. I know he was expelled from Durmstrang for use of excessive force against those who did not agree with him, but surely he learned his lesson? He must see that force is not the answer. We should take control, but to help the Muggles, not to harm them.

Harry dropped the journal he had been reading as if he'd been burned. Albus Dumbledore was friends with Gellert Grindelwald? Dumbledore wanted to rule over Muggles? Harry felt intrigued to read more. 

13 August 1899

I don't even know where to begin. Abe discovered the plans that Gellert and I had made for uniting the Hallows and conquering the Muggle world. I tried to explain to him how this would be a good thing, but he...he couldn't see. I still don't know who fired the first curse, but Gellert and I fought with Abe.

Then...then my beautiful, damaged sister somehow wandered into the middle of our fight. Arianna is dead. I don't even know who killed her. Could I have killed my sister? I was supposed to be watching out for her. My parents expected me to look after my brother and sister, not conspire to take over the world. What was I thinking?

Putting aside the second journal for the night, Harry pulled out one of the smaller books. It was similar to the book Professor Dumbledore had left Hermione, but this one was in English, not runes. As he held the book, it fell open to the story – The Tale of Three Brothers. He decided that this was a sign to read that story.

After he read the story, Harry lay down with his mind, spinning. These were the Deathly Hallows? Was that why Professor Dumbledore had borrowed his father's cloak? Was his father's cloak one of the Hallows? Was Voldemort looking for the Elder Wand? Is that why he was looking up wandmakers? Harry lay awake for a long time, his mind full of possibilities.

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