Chapter 61: The Diadem

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Delphini ran to the Northern tower, her heart pacing. As she was running up she saw Hermione and Ron running down. "Hermione! Ron! Where is Harry?" she asked, as they all stop for second. They both quickly turn around. "Harry's looking for Ravenclaw's Diadem, I think I saw him run into the common room" Ron replied.  An hour had passed and the protective shield that was protecting Hogwarts had collapsed. Death Eaters were spewing into the castle at a high rate. Death rates were increasing dramatically.  "We're looking for something that will destroy the horcruxes" Hermione shouted across the screaming of students. "What about using a Basilisk fang, like Harry did with the diary?" Delphini offered. Hermione hit her self on the head. 

"Of course, how could we be so dumb" She yelled. "Ronald, we need to go to the Chamber of Secrets." Ron looked terrified but determined. "Okay" He shouted and grabbed Hermione's hand. "We'll see you soon" They both said smiling, hopefully. "Delphini!" Delphini heard someone shout. She turned around too see Lupin fighting off a Death Eater. She immedaitely shouted "EXPELLIARMUS!" And the Death Eaters wand was snatched from his hand and put into her hand. Lupin then continued to kill the Death Eater.

"You can't stay here, It's not safe" Lupin shouted, over the screams. "I will stay here, I don't want you or anyone to get hurt" she shouted back. "Have you see Tonks?" 

"No!" Delphini replied looking around. She noticed Lupin looking sad. "I'm sure she's alright, she's very strong" she added comporting him. "You will fight, but you need to go somewhere else." Lupin ordered. "IT'S NOT SAFE" He shouted. "Don't worry, I'll be okay" And with that she embraced him in a big hug and then turned around and ran. Delphini wished she didn't turn around and leave, but she didn't know that, that would be her last time seeing him alive. She ran through the corridor, past Death Eaters with only bad intentions, shooting spells at them, whilst they shot spells at her.


Harry gasped as the Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw split in half and let out a scream. His scar burned furiously. He got up slowly and walked down the hall, the Room Of Requirements would probably be ruined forever Harry thought to himself. Sighing, Harry started to run. He wasn't sure where or what was driving him forward. The Battle had well and truly started. Screams echoed through the castle's halls and grounds as the Death Eaters broke through the defence and rushed across the bridge. Spells threw everywhere as the Death Eaters casted deadly killing curses throughout the castle's grounds.

The Aurors and Staff split into two groups and began to duel the Death Eaters. The Death Eaters were casting nothing but Killing curses, whereas the Staff and Aurors were casting stunners and reductors back. The Death Eaters killed many, but lost many as well. However at this point of time, they were winning. Harry suddenly saw Delphini being cornered by three Death Eaters. "Well well well, who do we have here? One of the Death Eaters said smirking.

"We've got your cornered, you cannot escape." Another said. "Really?" Delphini smirked as she apparated behind them. They were now looking at where she once was, confused. "Didn't you say you have me cornered?" she laughed, leaning against the castle walls. The three Death Eaters then proceeded to turn around slowly. "How did you do that?" The third Death Eater asked now growing weary. "I'm a Riddle, I can do anything."

"EXPELLIARMUS!" she shouted as the three Death Eaters were thrown backwards. "AVADA KEDAVRA!!" Harry yelled at the Death eaters, who were now charging towards her, as she was looking elsewhere. Their bodies lay there still on the ground. Delphini then snapped back to reality. There still was a war going on. She followed Harry as he ran into the courtyard and saw Hermione and Ron. Suddenly, Voldemort's horrible voice fill the grounds and castle. "GIVE ME HARRY POTTER, HAND HIM OVER BY MIDNIGHT TONIGHT, AND I WILL LET YOU LIVE, GIVE ME HARRY POTTER, IN THE FORBIDDEN FOREST, GIVE ME HARRY POTTER!" Many people screamed and ran.

"Somebody grab him!" shouted Pansy.

"No" Delphini shouted standing in front of Harry. Soon after many other members of Dumbledore's army followed pursuit and stood behind her in front of Harry.

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