Chapter 26: Harry's in hospital again and the seventh floor

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 Harry is approached by Cormac McLaggen, who wants to know if he can replace Ron as Quidditch Keeper, Delphini overheard him say. She was glaring at him from a distance and she still despised him. She's the captain, but as they aren't on good terms, he asked Harry as he's the deputy captain. Delphini saw Harry agree which made her give him a look. On the way to the Quidditch pitch for a match against Hufflepuff, Harry spots Draco walking away from the field with two young Slytherin girls.  She could tell that Harry is desperate to know where Draco was going but they were both are already late for the match. 

"Come on, Harry, we're going to be late. You can spy on him later." Delphini said smirking and then looked down quickly. Harry summoned Kreacher, who instantly appeared with Dobby, the Hogwarts House Elf.  "Kreacher, Dobby..." Harry starts. "What are you doing here?" Delphini finished. "We're just taking a walk around whilst carrying out our jobs for our masters" Dobby squeaked smiling at the riddle. "Follow Malfoy and report back what he's doing." Harry ordered politely. "But don't interact with him, like warning him, or tell him about this mission." Delphini finished. "We don't want him to know what we're doing."

"Of course, master" Dobby said to Harry. During the game, Harry got hit with a Bludger. Harry woke up in the hospital wing.  "You're a lucky boy, Potter. You could've died, however you just cracked your skull. Luckily, I've bandaged your head and you will have to stay here for a couple of weeks, I'll go and get your medicine ready." And with that Madame Pomfrey left.

Delphini, Hermione and Ron go and visit Harry in the hospital during their free period. "Delphini, are you okay... you're crying" Harry said trying to sit up on his hospital bed.

"I went to go and see him and he told Pansy that he still loved her... right in front of me." Delphini said now in floods of tears. "You'll be okay" Harry said trying to comfort her. "Don't stress" Harry said stroking her cheek and wiping her tears from under her eyes. "Something must be wrong, he wouldn't do that. He loves you so much, anyone with eyes can see that." Hermione said pulling Delphini closer to her. "Listen... you're going to fall in love so many times before you find the one you'd be with forever." Hermione spoke softly.

"So think of it this way. You're just one broken heart closer to happily ever after." Ron said smiling at Delphini. "Ron, that's just fairy talk" she said still sniffling. "I know.. but maybe just speak to him." Delphini sniffled at the thought of having to talk to him again. "Anyway, Harry, how are you feeling?" she asked Harry sympathetically. She took a Bludger to the head in her forth year. "It really hurts" Harry replied holding onto his head which had now been bandaged up. "And I'll miss next match" Harry whined. "We don't want to you to make it worse though, do we?" Delphini said and Harry smiled. She knew this smile was real and she had missed her close friendship with Harry, but it was growing again. "Isn't that Kreacher and Dobby?" she asked, also trying to change the subject. "Master, Draco is not breaking any rules, however he makes regular trips to the seventh floor, bringing other students with him to stand guard." Dobby squeaks.

 "Isn't the Room of Requirement on the seventh floor, which transforms into whatever its transformer requires." Ron questions.  "Yes Ron" Hermione said. "I'm going to sneak up on him when he is in the Room of Requirements" Harry said standing up abruptly. "You can't unless you know exactly what Draco is doing, you cannot summon the Room, because you won't know what you need it to be." Delphini said pulling Harry down. "Anyway Harry you need to rest" Hermione demanded. "Of course, how could I be so dumb?" Harry said annoyed.

"You need to find out what, exactly, Draco is looking for in the Room Of Requirements." Hermione said looking straight into Harry's eyes. "We better get thinking then" Harry said. "How am I meant to prove that he's doing something suspicious when I'm in a hospital bed?" Harry huffed. "You'll be out in less than a week, Harry" Delphini laughed.

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