Chapter 72: Letters

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The following years were complicated. Draco went abroad like he had always wanted. And Delphini, stayed in England and got a job in the Ministry like she had always dreamt of. She wrote letters all the time for the first year, however Draco stopped writing back- which confused her and also extremely upset her. Delphini hadn't heard from him for nearly a year and yshe was beginning to wonder if he had met someone else. But she had stay positive because she wanted to stay with him so badly.

Dear Delphini,

I have just reached New York. I'm staying in a local hotel and I'm going to get some work so when I come home we can buy you a nice house and we can settle down. I do miss you loads. I'm not sure when I'll be coming back, but I'll contact you when I do.

Draco x

He never did reply. 

Dear Draco,

I'll never forget the songs we used to play
And when I put them on
The feeling never fades out my body.
I hope you're thinking' of me
There won't be a night, there won't be a place
Where you don't cross my mind.
Where I don't see your face in somebody else.
People say we're foolish, people say we're dumb
People say we're caught up in temporary love
That we don't know what we're doing, they say we're too young
But they don't know a thing about us.

I'll wait forever, that's what we said
16th of September, lying in my bed
I'll wait forever, it's never too late.

When you're far away, it's like we're not apart
I'd burn my money
Just to hear you say you love me again.

Your love, Delphini x

Dear Draco, 

When I'm not with you, I'm not me
Nothing ever feels good
When I'm not with you
I'm not in control of what I do.

I come back to the places where we found us.                                                                                                          What happened to us?

I miss you so much.                                                                                                                                                               When are you coming home? Me and Teddy miss you loads.

Your love, Delphini x

Dear Draco, 

Seventeen months, two weeks and seven days
Since you left, who's counting anyway
But for me the only thing that's changed
Is the distance between London and 
New York.

I know I might be crazy, so crazy, 
I can't believe I'm writing to you just to say
I'm not ok. I miss you. But I know you probably wont see this (Like all my other letters)

Medicate with whisky and cheap wine
But it doesn't stop this train wreck in my mind
Hermione says that we will heal in time. But I don't know what to believe anymore. I don't know how long I can keep doing this. Teddy learnt how to ride his bike yesterday without his stabilisers, and he misses you too, he even called you daddy. 

Delphini x

Dear Draco, 

Standing on the platform. Watching you go, It's like no other pain I've ever known. To love someone so much and to have to have no control. you said, "I want to see the world" and I said, "Go" At the beginning I thought that was a good idea but I think I'm lost without you. I just feel crushed without you and I tried to be strong for so long. I never thought how much I needed you. Am I wrong?

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