Chapter 21: New Headmistress

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Delphini and Hermione walked into the common room and sat down on chairs next to the fire. "I can't believe the Slytherins did that, that was so unfair." Ginny said walking towards them. "I know that's why I'm avoiding Draco" Delphini said. She had just started to get closer with Draco, and he had to go and do this to her and her friends. "You should've avoided him from the start" Ginny said getting comfortable in her seat. "But I do ship you together though, don't get me wrong." She finished.

Delphini just weak smiled. She hadn't thought about her and Draco getting any closer than friends but who knows what the future holds. "I feel bad for Harry." Hermione said, breaking up Delphini's thoughts. "He just kissed Cho last week and then today she snitches on us." They all looked down. "I'm sure she has a valid excuse." Delphini said trying to make the mood seem more happy. "Yeah, but.." Ginny started to say. "But she has no excuse, what she did was unfair on all of us." Delphini finished. Ginny just smiled. 

"Guys, listen to what I just found out." Ron shouted quickly, whilst running towards us with Harry running behind him. "What? Spill it Weasel!" Ginny replied. Ginny calls Ron 'weasel' as they are annoying small creatures which for Ginny exactly resembles her brother Ron. "Oh sod off Ginny" Ron shouts back as he absolutely hates that nickname.

"As I was going to say" He says glaring at Ginny. "We're all screwed.... because Umbridge is becoming Headmistress." Everyone was shocked. "When?" Delphini replied in dread.  Harry answered for her. "Next week". Next week. That's in four days! "Dumbledore's fled since the minister, Fudge, wants to send him to Azkaban!" Harry said, sitting down next to her. "Azkaban! That's barbaric. He had nothing to do with Dumbledore's Army, we formed it." Delphini said exasperated. "We're all going to be done for, aren't we?" Neville asked nervously.

"Yep, we are Neville." Delphini responded. "But we wont let her, we'll find a way to get rid of her."


Delphini took four step into the Defence Against The Dark Acts classroom and immediately saw Dolores Umbridge at the front surveying the class stopping and staring straight at her. She had grown up to look very similar to her mother, almost unrecognisable.  "Well, what are you waiting for everyone? Sit down." She ordered.  "Good afternoon" A few mumbled back. "We'll have to practise that. Anyway, I hope that we all are going to be good very good friends."

"That's bloody likely." Ron whispered into Delphini's ear, sarcastically. "Wands away, quills out, I want the first chapter done by the end of the lesson." She barked, making sure she had stared at everyone.  After 15minutes of silence Delphini raised her hand. "Yes, how can I help you?" Umbridge said faking a smile. "Do you have a question about the chapter...?" She said continuing her fake smile. "No... It's abou.." Delphini started. "Well that's what we're reading"

"Me and my friends have already read the book" You say pointing at Hermione, Ron and Harry. Who nodded. "Who may you be?" Umbridge asked walking towards her, now all the classes attention was on Delphini. "Delphini Riddle" Delphini said confidently.

"Ahh Miss Riddle, the Ministry is quite curious about you? Who are you? Are you really The Dark Lord's daughter? Who kidnapped you as a child and where did you stay? Oh and why has Dumbledore taken a liking to you and you're one of his favourite students along with Mr Potter here?" She said now looking at Harry.

"Regards to your questions, yes I am Voldemort's daughter, I'm not going to tell you who kidnapped me, though I do know, and maybe because he's taken a liking to my charming personality and for my good looks that I inherited from my mother, Bellatrix LeStrange." Delphini said staring right back at Umbridge.  "Detention, in my office for you absurd behaviour Miss Riddle." Delphini just rolled her eyes as she just didn't care. "I will find out your secrets in time, Delphini."

"I'm sure you will, Doloros." Delphini replied saying her first name as well. Hermione tries to defuse the tension by asking about DADA course. "So are we going to learn defensive spells?"

"No why would you need to learn those in class? You're not going to get attacked in class." Umbridge said chuckling.  "So were not going to learn how to use magic at all." Ron shouted annoyed. "Ronald Weasley, your hand!" Umbridge shrieks. "You will be learning defensive spells in a risk free environment." Umbridge said calming her tone for a second. "What good is that?" Harry shouted. "Who do you think will kill children like yourselves?" Umbridge said mid laugh. "Hmmm, I'm not sure, maybe Voldemort!" Harry said sarcastically. Which caused silence.

Turning her back to the class Umbridge said, "I realise that you have heard that a certain Dark Wizard has returned to power, but I'm hear to inform you that, that's not true." She finished now looking back at the class. "Deny it all you want Doloros, but he'll be back." Delphini finished, glaring at her. "It's not a lie, I saw him, I fought him." Harry yelled. "Filthy half-breeds" She shouted staring at Delphini. "Miss Riddle and Mr Potter detention in my class after the lesson." "Or the punishments will be... severe!"

"That's not far." Delphini shouted. "Because you know deep down that you deserve to be punished." She said now inches from her face.

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