Chapter 47: The wedding

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"Seems silly, doesn't it? A wedding. Given everything that's going on." Delphini said feeling someone's presence behind her.  "Maybe that's the best reason to have it. Because of everything that's going on." Harry said also staring out of the window at the starlit sky that was in view from the top front window at the Burrow. "It's just strange knowing that we just got attacked by Death Eaters like an hour ago and now everyones preparing for a wedding..." Delphini said still looking out of the window. "That's in two days" Harry finished, making her chuckle. She was so predictable.

"I'm going to sleep now, I don't want to look horrible for the wedding" Delphini joked hugging Harry before leaving to head to her bed.


"Going somewhere?" Ron shouted. "No one else is going to die. Not for me." Harry shouted back. "For you? You think Mad-Eye died for you? You think George took that curse for you? You may be the Chosen One, mate, but this is a whole lot bigger than that." Ron shouted growing annoyed and fustrated. "The longer we stay here, the stronger he gets." Harry continued to shout. "We wouldn't last two days without Hermione's smartness and god without Delphini, she'll go ballistic!" Ron shouted.  "Don't tell them I said that." Ron quickly said lowering his voice.

"I don't care about a bloody wedding! No matter whose it is. I have to start searching for the Horcruxes. It's the only chance we have to beat him. And the longer we wait, the stronger he gets." Harry yelled.

"Tonight's not that night, mate. You'd only be doing him a favour." He paused. " Do you think he knows? I mean, they're bits of his soul. The Horcruxes. Bits of him. When Dumbledore destroyed the ring and you destroyed Tom Riddle's diary all those years ago... He must've felt something, right? What I'm saying is, if we do this thing right, if we find the Horcruxes and begin to destroy them one by one... Won't he know he's being hunted?" Ron said trying not to fight anymore. Harry just sighed heavily. "I don't know" Harry said as it was true.  "Then let's attend the wedding and think about that later?" Ron asked hoping Harry would say ok.

"Okay" Harry said looking down and then back at Ron.  "I'm sorry" Harry said before they smiled at each other and walked back to the Burrow.


The house was beautiful. The marquee was decorated lavishly and the cake looked beautiful. Delphini was perched on the end of Fleur's bed with Hermione, Ginny and Aunt Muriel. "Now remember, make sure there's no hair covering the pearl. It's very delicate, I don't want my tiara to be cracked." Muriel said in her loudly droning voice to Fleur. "Zank you for letting me use your tiara. It eez beautiful" Fleur said beaming. Delphini had to admit Fleur looked stunning. She wore a simple ivory gown of satin and her straight long blonde hair complimented the pearl tiara of Muriel's. 

  "Oh there you are Ginny, Delphini, you're going to be late" Mrs Weasley said as she ushered the two teenage girls to get dressed. 

Harry and Ron walked over two Hermione who was now sitting in the living room putting her earrings in through her small compact mirror. "Delphini and Ginny have gone upstairs to change into their dresses" Hermione said. "There'll be down in a minute. "You looked gorgeous Hermione" Ron said smiling. "Thank you Ronald" Hermione said returning the smile and blushing. "Right we're going to get the cake, we'll see you later,  behave" Mrs Weasley said sternly looking directly at Ron.

Delphini was wearing a long lilac purple dress that flowed at the bottom, with a similar coloured clutch. She had to ask Ginny to help curl her hair earlier that day. Hermione looked AMAZING! She wore a knee length red floaty dress with her hair curled too. Auntie Muriel had yelled at Hermione for having 'bad posture' and 'skinny ankles' as she left the room. Delphini thought that was a bit unnecessary. But that was Auntie Muriel.

Ginny then walked down the stairs in her short silver dress. She looked beautiful Harry thought to himself. They had only been dating for a couple of months, since the week after they kissed in the room of Requirements last year, but he knew she was the one.

"Is there something on my face?" Ginny asked worried as everyone was staring at her. "No" Hermione said quickly. "You look beautiful" Harry said pulling her into a kiss. Ron cleared his throat, as if to say 'not in front of me'.  "Delphi's coming, she's just looking for her shoe" Ginny said as she was interrupted by a scream in frustration coming from upstairs.  "I don't think she's found it" Ron said laughing. "I'll go help her" Hermione said walking upstairs.


Delphini straightened out her dress before she walked into the tent, the crowd gave a collective sigh as Fleur walked in with her dad. Delphini walked down the isle along with Ginny and Hermione who were her other bridesmaids, they walked in front of Fleur who seemed to be gliding down the isle. As they neared Bill, Ginny, Hermione and Delphini sat down in the front isle. Delphini held Hermione's hand the entire time throughout the ceremony. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of these two faithful souls." 

Delphini thoughts were elsewhere as she thought about her past relationship with Draco. She had always wanted to marry him. But he was being forced to marry Astoria Greengrass, his friends younger sister. They had secretly been writing letters to each other during the summer holdiays and he told her then. She hadn't heard from him since. "Are you okay Delphi?" Hermione whispered in her ear as Delphini noticed she was crying. "Yes, I'm so happy for them" she said, wiping her tears from her eyes and returning her focus to the ceremony. 

"Do you Fleur Isabelle take take Bill Weasley..." Wow Fleur's name is really beautiful Delphini thought to herself.  "Then I declare you bonded for life" The tufty-haired wizard said as he raised his wand over the newly wed couple. 

Delphini continued to dance and drink. She danced with Hermione as she spun around and they both laughed as they tripped over each others feet. Let's face it, they weren't the best dancers. The song finished and the next song was a song for couples. Harry danced with Ginny, Fleur and Bill and some other couples Delphini didn't know off. Ron asked Hermione to dance and she accepted even though they weren't dating. That left her alone.

Delphini just stood in the corner, smiling at the facial expression that Hermione was pulling as Ron pulled her into the middle of the dance floor. They hadn't been dancing for long when suddenly a ball of blue light, a Patronus charm, crashed into the middle of the marquee plunging it into darkness. Kingsley Shacklebolt's voice echoed throughout the marquee.

"The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming." There were small murmurs from the people around Delphini. When everyone realised what it meant the marquee was full of screams of terror. Some guests disapparated immediately whilst some stayed to fight them off. 

Delphini grabbed Hermione's hand as the Death Eaters entered the marquee. She drew her wand as Dark mists came into view as they threw the lit torches onto the tables which smashed and caused the sides to instantly go up in flames. 

The Death Eaters started to hex everyone, but everyone all fought back stronger. The Death Eaters searched the Burrow for Harry, but the four of them had disapparated a couple of minutes before they would've reached them. Delphini still heard everyone's screams in her head even if she put her hands over her head.

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