Authors notes:

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Welcome to my first Harry Potter fanfic! As this is my first story, I may make some mistakes but don't let that bother you.  There will be a small prologue (after this one) about the first year and the sorting ceremony. Not much will be covered on the second and third year as there not as important. 

~  new note: I'm re-reading this story and I have just realised that I start the story saying 'you' and 'your' and later 'Leta said' etc. don't worry I will change that (so it's all in the same tense) ~

Some key points you'll need to know before reading the story:

- The main character is called Leta Wakefield.

- She has been best friends with Hermione Granger since they were both 4 years old

- She is part of the Golden Quartet (three is trio, four is quartet) with Harry, Ron and Hermione

- She was adopted as a young child, so she doesn't know who her real parents are (Big suprise in the fourth year)

- She eventually falls in love with Draco Malfoy

- There are some swearing, but not too much.

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