Chapter 38: help

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Harry began to sprint towards the school, in search of a teacher. He ran by a bustling crowd of students who had probably heard the news and were going to see Delphini Riddle in the air cursed. "Hagrid" Harry shouted, stopping Hagrid in the distance. As soon as Hagrid came closer, Harry burst into tears. "What on earth is the matter, Harry?"

"Delphini's been cursed, she's in the air screaming." Hagrid just stood their, mouth open in shock. "Where is she?"Hagrid demanded.  "Just down the hill" Harry responded, wiping a tear from his eye. Hagrid pushed past Harry and made his way down the hill, towards Delphini and everyone else. Hermione had helped Leanne to pull Delphini down, so she was lying on the ground still screaming. As Hagrid arrived the large gathering of people around her started to move away. "The show's over" Hagrid yelled. "Scram" Hagrid shouted at the remaining students who weren't leaving, until they left. "Let me see her" Hagrid said looking directly at Delphini. "Dark magic. She's been badly cursed, she'll be lucky to survive."

"So she's going to die?" Leanne said bursting into tears again. "He didn't say that" Hermione said putting her arms around Leanne, embracing her with a warm hug. "It's Leanne, isn't it?" Hagrid said now putting all his focus onto Leanne. "Yes" Leanne said quietly, muffled because of Hermione's shoulder. "Did it happen all of a sudden or..?" Leanne interrupted, "It happened when that package tore" Leanne said now pointing at the ripped, snow soaked package that was lying on the ground, clearing showing the cursed necklace inside it. Ron being Ron leapt forward to pick up the package. "Don't touch it!" Hagrid yelled, "we don't want another student to get cured."

"I've seen that before" Harry said staring at the necklace that could now been seen through a massive rip in the side. "It was in display in Borgin And Burkes ages ago." "I saw it when I used the floo powder and transported there instead of Diagon Alley."

"Who could've it been?" Ron asked. "Never mind that now, we need to get Miss Riddle to Professor Snape at once." And with that Hagrid picked Delphini up and started to walk towards the castle. "Remind me off how she got it, Leanne" Hermione asked Leanne, now linking arms with her. "Well she just came out of the Three Broomsticks bathroom, holding that package, I continued to ask her what was in it. I really did try, but she kept repeating that 'It was a surprise for someone at Hogwarts and she has to deliver it." Leanne spoke. "She looked all funny when she said it."

"Do you think she was put under the Imperious Curse?" Ron said speaking up. "Obviously." Hermione said looking directly at Ron like he was an idiot. "But I'm sure everything is going to be alright, when we arrive back at Hogwarts we can check on her regularly." Hermione said softly. "She's a fighter, she wont leave us."



"McGonagall" Ron said cheerily. "I heard from Hagrid that you saw what happened to Miss Riddle." McGonagall said returning half a smile. "Up to my office right now, at once!" She demanded, changing her tone so suddenly. "What are you holding, Mr Potter?"

"The object Delphini touched." said Harry. "Good lord" McGonagall said, looking alarmed as she took the necklace wrapped in Harry's scarf from him. "Hermione, please take this scarf to Professor Snape." "And make sure you don't touch it, we don't want another student getting cursed, oh dear." Hermione was handed the scarf with the necklace in it and swiftly left the room in search of Professor Snape. "Well, what happened?" McGonagall said tartly. Between sobs, Leanne told her side of the story. That you had gone into the bathroom at the Three Broomsticks, came back with a package and was told to give it to someone 'special' at Hogwarts. But you didn't say who. " She was acting all funny, like she was put under a spell. She was so nice and kind before, then she got the parcel and turned all sour and rude."

"All right Leanne go to the Infirmary and get something for your shock." McGonagall said softer than before. And with that Leanne left the office just as Hermione returned. "I think Draco Malfoy gave that necklace to Delphini." Harry spoke confidently. "And why would you think that, Mr Potter?" McGonagall said challenging him. Harry told her about following Draco to Borgin and Burkes and the conversation they heard him and Borgin having. "They were arguing about something."

"This is a very serious accusation, you do know that?" Harry looked down. "Do you have any proof?"

"Delphini went into Borgin and Burkes after him, and tried to find out what Draco had wanted to repair and he didn't answer her so she had to play it off by asking about the closest object to her, which ended up being the necklace that cursed her, he only told her the price though. They also went out for a time, before- well that doesn't matter.. I think he did it as payback, McGonogall." Ron said. "I also think he cursed her as payback as we all know he's..."

"That's enough Mr Weasley. With an accusation like that and very little sufficient evidence, you can't just point the finger at Mr Malfoy just because he visited the shop. Now I need to sort out this problem, with Delphini. Good day." Then McGonagall disappeared.

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