Chapter 31: Trouble in the bathroom

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Taking out the Marauders map Harry muttered, "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good", the map appeared and Harry saw Draco was in the bathroom with Moaning Myrtle. Harry got out of his chair and turned to face the rest of Delphini. "I'm going out, don't come after me and don't worry I'm not going to use the Prince's book. I'm going to look for a place to hide it." Harry said before rushing out. Answering all their questions. Harry rushed towards the bathroom. "Draco..." Shouted Harry.

"Cruci..." Draco shouted as he saw Harry enter the room. Harry wasn't sure what he was expecting, but Draco Malfoy crying had been the furthest from what he had thought originally. And he wasn't really surprised when Draco responded by trying to curse him. The bathroom was being destroyed around them, bits of debris kept pelting him from all angles and a thick layer of dust covered the floor, mixing the water now spraying from various smashed sinks to create a cakey mixture that was slowly covering his body. Harry sprung to his feet, ducked behind a stall, and darted out to get closer to Malfoy and take him by surprise, but Malfoy was closer than Harry realised and Harry stumbled as he tried to redirect himself.

Malfoy snarled, and yelled "Crucio".

As Harry heard Draco start the cast the Unforgiveable curse, he threw all standard duelling protocol out the window and cast the most powerful spell he could think of, the one and only (Clearly smart and powerful) Half-Blood Prince.

 Harry yells "Sectumsempra," the hex scribbled in the margins of the Half-Blood Prince's book. 

His curse cut across Draco's body, leaving giant gashes across his chest. The water around him from previous spells, aimed badly and ended up destroying the taps, now looked like a bloodbath. Harry wondered if he was dead, but when he saw the slightest rise and fall of Draco's chest, he somehow relieved, knew he wasn't but would be from loss of blood soon.


The door then burst open to present none other than Professor Snape, several floors up from where he was normally found lurking. Snape payed no attention to Harry and walked straight to Draco, who was still lying on the floor, crying quietly to himself. He started to wave his wand around on top of Draco, a song like chant, Harry had never heard of before. It briefly flickered through Harry's mind that it seemed like Snape recognised the spell almost instantly. After performing the spell three times, Snape supported Draco out of the bathroom and towards the hospital wing, barking at Harry on his way out, "Oh and you Potter, ... you wait here for me!"

Not much had passed when Snape returned, Instantly running up to Harry and pushing him against the bathroom wall. "WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT SPELL!" Snape yelled. This took Harry by surprise, almost scaring him.  "A book" Harry muttered, as Snape held his wand up towards Harry's throat.  "What book?"

"The Half Blood Prince's book" A peculiar facial expression formed on Snape's face, almost like he knew about the book too, but he didn't want anyone to know. "Where's the book?" Snape demanded. "In the room of Requirements" Harry sputtered. "I hid it!" Harry almost yelled. 

"Good, never look for that book ever again, It's dangerous. Detention with me on Friday after school." Snape shouted before leaving the room.  

By the end of the week nearly the whole school had found out about the fight in the bathroom. Rumours were being spread that it was about Delphini. But the four of them knew it wasn't. She had visited Draco in the hospital for ten minutes every free break you had. You knew he was your ex, but some part of her still loved him and always would. There was one time when she went to visit him, she kissed his cheek when he was asleep, so he didn't know. However one time  Snape saw, but she didn't know.

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