chapter 5: Truth is told

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~ I know in DADA you don't look in the mirror of Erised, it just fitted with my story plot~


Leta was stumbling towards her first lesson of the day. Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Snape. This was by far her least favourite subject because Snape scared her. As she were late, Snape wasn't happy and gave her a detention during lunchtime. Today was the day that they were learning about the Mirror Of Erised, is a magical mirror that shows the looker's deepest and most desperate desires. 

"Why are you late? Again. Ms Wakefield." Snape demanded. "I overslept." Leta quickly replied as it was true. "That's the second time this week, Wakefield." That's a weeks worth of detentions during lunchtime." Great she moaned to herself. She then slumped onto her seat next to Pansy Parkingson, her well known archnemesis. 

"As you think it's okay to come late to my lesson, you can go next, Wakefield." "Still tired? Maybe you should miss dinner and go bed then?" Leta flumped forward and got up and walked towards the mirror. She had been sort of excited to look in the Mirror of Erised as she had always wanted to know who her birth parents were and what they looked like. But what she saw was far worse than you had expected. 

Sh saw a dark night, full of clouds obscuring most of the mirror, then once that had cleared, she saw Malfoy Manor. The mirror zoomed in on one specific window with a cradle and a baby girl sleeping softly. The baby girl was called Delphini Riddle. Suddenly she saw a group of adults that she recognised. There was Dumbldore, McGonagall, Lupin, Sirius and Snape himself. 

They took the baby into the night. Leta recognised the baby. It was her. She were Delphini Riddle. The next heir of Slytherin.

The mirror turned black once more. Leta stood there for a couple of seconds before the mirror showed another video. Young Tom Riddle and young Bellatrix LeStrange angry about the disappearence of their daughter. Bellatrix was in tears in her friend, Narcissca Malfoy's arms.

It was too much to handle. Leta felt her body grow weak and she could hardly speak.  "What did you see in the mirror?" Snape demanded for the second time, knowing what she saw. " I , I saw, I can't do this." With that Delphini ran out of the classroom, past Draco and she looked into his eyes and saw his pain as well. The rest of the quartet looked at each other in confusion and concern.


Leta slumped against a cold pebbled wall a couple of corridors away. Draco walked up to her and gently sat next her. She sat next to him in silent for a couple of minutes before he said "Do you want to talk about it?" She looked at him in shock. "Is it really that hard to believe that I'm trying to be kind?" He looked down hurt. "You've been so mean to me these last four years, so I thought you were going to laugh at me." Draco still looked hurt. 

"I'm not helping am I?" "I'm not good at this either." Leta said smiling. More silence. Her face then changed from a smile to a frown. "Did you know..." She stopped mid sentence. "Did I know what?" "About me and the Dark Lord? "What do you mean?"

 "That my parents are Voldermort and Bellatrix." "I've been lied to... my whole life is a lie. I don't know who to trust anymore."

 "It's going to be okay. Trust me." Leta  felt  slightly reassured. 

Suddenly Leta heard Harry's voice. "Get away from her Malfoy." Harry shouted. "Why?, you can't tell me what to do, Pottah." "You heard me didn't you?" Harry goes to get out his wand. But Delphini beats him to by saying, "Stop he's not doing anything wrong" after she said "Expelliarmus" without her wand. Suddenly Harry is thrown back and soon hits the floor. Leta shared a glance with Hermione who too is shocked, whilst continuously looking at her hands.

 Then she ran. Leta ran to her common room, in floods of tears, and through herself onto her bed. She missed every other class, but went to her detention.

Soon, it became dinner. "Do you think Leta's okay?" Ron said breaking the silence. No-one was really eating. "I'm scared for her." He continued to say. "I'm just confused." Harry said. "she can do wandless magic. That is extremely rare, I've read about it." Hermione replied. "We need to hear what she has to say, that's the most sensible thing to do, before we jump to conclusions." "Of course." Harry said. Hermione was scared because she didn't want the friendship group to break. She knew Harry had a special bond with Leta (They don't know she is called Delphini yet). 

"Why was she talking to Malfoy, anyway?" Harry said with a jealous tone. No one said anything.


Delphini goes to Dumbledore's office.  "Enter" said Dumbledore. "Ahh Leta, I was waiting for you to arrive, Professor Snape told me everything." 

"It's Delphini Riddle to you, Not Leta. Isn't it?" Dumbledore sighed, "I'm afraid so." Delphini than asked, "When were you going to tell me? That my whole life has been a lie, that my mother and father aren't actually my parents. I don't even know who I am anymore." Delphini began to cry. "Now, now Delphini we all have good reasons. As you may know you performed wand less magic on your friend Harry, earlier today. Am I correct?" 

"Yes" Delphini replied as she wiped her eyes.  "There are many more strong and somewhat dangerous powers you have that you need to control. You have to understand that if you stayed with Voldermort you could easily destroy the Wizarding World with him. You know we couldn't let that happen." Delphini nodded,  "When were you going to tell me?"

 "At the end of this year." "After the Triwizard Tournament."

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