Chapter 52: The Prophecy

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Authors note: I know that this happened in the fifth book, but for the story of my plot it fitted better in the seventh year.

Harry still held onto Delphini's hand as they apparated back to Hogwarts. To safety. It wasn't until the next day that she started to feel better and it wasn't until tow days later that they reached the Department of Ministries. Harry had woke up in a sweat the night before from a nightmare of Sirius getting attacked there. So the next morning, he had called for the members of Dumbledore's army, minor Ron, to go and retrieve him.


"Department of Ministries" The Elevator boomed, with an echoing voice. 

"This is it" Harry assures them as they rushed to a door, and they opened it. It's an entire room full of prophecies. They all rush in searching for Sirius. "Ninety-two, Ninety-three, Ninety-four, Ninety-five" Harry counted as he stopped. He stood there confused. "He should be here" Harry announced.  Delphini looked and saw a Prophecy with Harry's name on it. She revealed as Harry started to walk closer to her and listened to it.  "Harry, Delphini..?" Ginny called. They both stepped out and saw a Death Eater walking towards them. "Where's Sirius?" Harry shouted.

"You know you should really learn the difference between dreams, and reality." Lucius Malfoy revealed himself. "You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now, hand me the Prophecy." Lucius instructed. "If you do anything to us, I'll break it!" Harry announced and a cackle echoed across the room.  "He knows how to play. Itty bitty baby Potter." A women's voice echoes as she steps into the light, Delphini instantly recognised her.  "Bellatrix Lestrange" Neville said shuddering.

"Neville Longbottom is it?" She questioned before pausing. "How's mum and dad?" She cackled again and smiled knowing what she did to them. "Good that there now going to be avenged." Neville yelled as he grabbed his wand and pointed it as Bellatrix's throat and she did the same.

"Now now, let's everyone calm down, all we want is the Prophecy." Lucius revealed, as Delphini saw more Death Eaters arriving and circling around them. She noticed Luna shuddering so she held her hand out and interlocked their fingers before standing in front of her to protect her.

"It's okay, he's just a curious little boy. Have you ever wondered what your connection is to the Dark Lord? Why he couldn't defeat you as an Infant? All these answers are there, Potter in your hand. All you need to do is give me the Prophecy. Then I can give everything you need to know." Lucius smiled. "I've waited 17 years." Harry admitted. "I know." Lucius mocked. "I guess I can wait a little longer. NOW!" Harry shouted.


Both Harry and the Death Eaters wands flew out of their hands and soared back towards the entrance to the Hall of Prophecy's. Both scrambled to their feet and charged after them, the Death Eater in front and Harry hot on his heels, and Delphini bringing up the rear, horror struck at what she had done.

"Get out of the way, Harry!" Delphini yelled. Harry flung himself to the side and Delphini took aim and yelled "STUPEFY!" The jet of red light had flown right over the Death Eaters and hit a glass covered cabinet, shattering it instantly. A bit of the glass pierced her hand, she let out a scream of pain. Harry watched as he saw the Death Eater - dead, with a piece of glass through his chest- hurtle past him into the cabinet.

Delphini was also being pulled towards the cabinet; blood trickling down her face from numerous cuts that seemed to glitter in the light. Harry let go of the table he was on and tried to grab her arm. "Delphi..." Harry shouted watching his friend being pulled closer to the cabinet. The cabinet's pull was too strong. Delphini heard Neville shout, "Harry, Delphini, what's going on?"

"I don't know" Harry shouted back in panic. Delphini grabbed onto a table with one hand. Delphini stuck out her hand and suddenly her wand  flew into her hand. She was then pulled towards the cabinet and she screamed as she felt more broken glass cut into her skin.


"Did you really that naïve to think that you children, could beat us?" Lucius laughed. "I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the Prophecy now, or watch your friends die." Lucius proposed before walking to Harry. Delphini noted that they were now cornered. "Don't give it to him, Harry!" Neville shouted, as Bellatrix pressed her wand straight along his throat, eager to kill him. Lucius smiled as Harry hand over him the Prophecy. This takes his focus of Sirius, who was standing behind him. Sirius tapped him on the shoulder. "Stay away from my Godson!" Sirius yelled as he punched Lucius in the face. 

Delphini quickly kicked the Prophecy out of his hand and it smashed on the floor, just in time as the other members of the Order arrived. Delphini smiled as she saw Tonks and Remus. She looked and saw Luna battling Bellatrix. "Stupefy!" Delphini yelled and Bellatrix deflected it. They duel back and forth, as Delphini watched Sirius fighting Lucius in the corner of her eye. Lucius is flown backwards.

Then suddenly she saw a green light flood Sirius' body as Bellatrix shouted, "AVADA KEDAVRA!" Delphini turned and saw Harry screaming in Remus' arms as he tried to pull him back. After watching the mad Death Eater kill his Godfather, Harry chased after Bellatrix LeStrange. "Where are you little Harry?" Bellatrix taunted in a baby-like voice. "I'm here!" Harry shouted, his echoes filling the room. "Did you love him baby Potter?" Bellatrix taunted. "CRUCIO!!" Harry yelled. The spell hit the Death Eater, but instead of crumpling onto the floor is pain, she shrieked as if she was thrown onto the floor. She then turned around and looked at smiled. "Never used the Cruciatus Curse have you, Potter?" Bellatrix taunted. "Give me the prophecy, and I'll spare your life." Bellatrix yelled as she moved closer to Harry, who was now on the floor wandless.

"Don't hurt him!" Delphini shouted. Bellatrix quickly turned around to face her, noticing how similar they looked. "CRUCIO!!" Bellatrix shouted at Delphini who felt the spell go through her body lighting her up with a red light. She winced in pain but didn't show it. "The Cruciatus... curse, how come it didn't hurt you?" Bellatrix shouted confused. "I know how to hide it, kinda like it." Delphini said staring at her, smiling. "Unbelievable" Bellatrix said shocked. Like mother like daughter.  Bellatrix turned back to Harry and began to interrogate him again. "I don't have it!" Harry yelled still on the floor. "What do you mean?" She growled in Harry's face. "I don't have it! She dropped it!" Harry said trying so hard not to cry. "Delphini dropped it and it smashed into small pieces. You failed." Harry yelled clutching onto his side that was still hurting from his deep cuts.

"I don't believe you!" Bellatrix said harshly and Harry felt the pressure move from his cheek to his arm. "Last chance. Where is it?"

"I already told you I don't have it."

Suddenly Delphini heard Hermione scream. "Delphini! Behind you." Delphini turned around to be struck by an unknown spell from Lucius Malfoy. It flung her backwards towards the wall. She hit her head, forming a long cut down her cheek, which was now pouring with blood. She could taste her own blood in her mouth. She began to feel dizzy and passed out.

Harry felt her hair near his face as she whispered in his ear. "WHERE IS IT BOY?" she whispered dangerously. Harry was going to repeat, but then he let out a small laugh. He realised that Bellatrix was scared. Scared that she failed her master.

Delphini woke up not long later and saw the fighting was still happening. She felt your blood boil and you knew you were going to transform. However, this was a great time.

She felt her nails grow longer and her hair started to disappear and turn into scales on the top of her head. Her hands turned into large paws and her back arched into a seriously painful position. Delphini felt she had fully transformed when she felt her skin turn hot. She had fully transformed when she saw most of people in the room watching her. 

She then started flying around the room,  sending flames out of her mouth towards the Death Eaters. This caused the Death Eaters to try and get away and save themselves. This bought them time. 

"Harry!" Delphini shouted. "Make sure everyone's safe and escaped. I'll hold them off until so." She said turning her back to the Death Eaters, she managed to kill three Death Eaters before they disparated away. Harry locked eyes with Hermione as they left baffled at how their friend transformed into a dragon. Delphini then flew through the ceiling of the Ministries, demolishing the roof in the process, and flew back towards Hogwarts.

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