Chapter 50: Search for the remaining horcruxes

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"No, Harry, you listen,' Delphini said. "We're coming with you. That was decided months ago — years, really." Hermione nodded. "Do you even know what we're looking for?" Ron grumbled. They all had only been walking and searching for a couple hours. "I thought you knew what you had signed up for!" Harry shouted now losing it. "Yeah, I thought so too. Don't expect me to get excited over another damn thing we need to find." Ron spat back.

"Guys this isn't helping." Delphini said trying to calm down them both. Harry stormed off. "He doesn't know what he's doing, does he?" Ron said calmly as he sat next to Delphini outside of her tent. "None of us do" she said sitting closer to him as it was freezing. "Seems strange, mate. Dumbledore sends you off to find a load of Horcruxes, but doesn't bother to tell you how to destroy them. Doesn't that bother you?" Ron said looking straight into Harry's eyes when he returned. "I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason behind that." Hermione said walking out of the tent from her nap.

Harry just ignored Ron. Delphini hated it when they fought.

Later that day:

Delphini spent much of that afternoon trying to destroy Salazar's locket. "STUPEFY" she yelled at the locket. However, the locket didn't break it just moved further away.

The locket let out an ear pitching scream and then it started speaking. [voiceover as Tom Riddle] "I have seen your heart and it's mine. I have seen your dreams, Ronald Weasley, and I have seen your fears..."

"Ron! Don't listen to it!" Delphini screamed. [voiceover as Tom Riddle] "Least loved by the mother who craved a daughter. Least loved, by the girl who prefers your friend..."

"Ron! Stab it!" Harry screamed. [as Riddle-Harry] "We were better without you, happier without you." Ron looked angry, like he could burst. [as Riddle-Hermione]" Who could look at you beside Harry Potter? What are you, compared to the Chosen One...?" Ron tensed up. "Ron! It lies! Stab it! STAB IT!" Hermione yelled. [as Riddle-Harry] "Your mother confessed that she would have preferred me as a son..." [as Riddle-Hermione] Who wouldn't prefer him? What woman would take you? You are nothing... nothing... nothing to him..." The ghost-like figures of Harry and Hermione walked closer to Ron looking deep into his soul.

[Riddle-Hermione and Riddle-Harry starts to kiss in the fog. Ron looks shocked. Ron's head turns to Harry, who freezes. A trace of scarlet glints in Ron's eyes. "NOOO!" Ron screams and he raised the sword, stabs it through Riddle-Harry and Riddle-Hermione, and then reaches the locket, and then there's silence. Ron then runs back to tent and stays in their alone for ages.

"Why are you always listening to that?" Harry asked Ron. "You don't know why I listen to the radio, do you? To make sure I don't hear Ginny's name. Or Fred, or George, or Mum."

"You think I'm not listening too? You think I don't know how this feels?"

"No, you *don't* know how it feels! Your parents are dead! You have no family!" Ron shouted, bitterly. 

"Stop!" Hermione yells as she storms in the tent. Delphini shortly followed hearing the shouting. "Fine then, go! Go then!" Ron wrenched the locket off and got his bag. "Ron... don't go, we can talk and sort it out." Delphini said trying to pull Ron back, in tears. "I wish I could Delphi, but I can't stay here with him" Ron says changing his tone and glaring at Harry. Ron turned to Hermione, "And you? Are you coming or are you staying?" Hermione looked torn as she glanced from Harry to Ron in shock.  "Fine. I get it. I saw you two the other night."

 "Ron, that's - that's nothing!" Hermione retorted with tears in her eyes whilst Delphini looked confused at Hermione and Harry. Ron noted Delphini's confusion, "They were walking around the wood together, very close.. I wouldn't be surprised if they kissed!" Ron muttered. Ron then stormed out the tent, not looking back. Delphini  put her arm around Hermione and puledl her into a tight hug. "It's going to be okay Mione, give him time"


No one really spoke since Ron left. Hermione was giving Harry a haircut as he hadn't cut it in ages and Delphini was reading a book. "OMG!" Delphini shouted suddenly which scared Harry and Hermione. "Oh my god..." she repeated. "What?" Harry questioned getting up immediately and following you to the table in the tent. "I'll tell you in a minute." Delphini said. "How about you tell me now?" Harry questioned, awfully close to her ear.  "Alright. The Sword of Gryffindor." she started.

"Maybe it's Goblin made?" Hermione said reading her friend's mind. "Exactly, Hermione" Delphini replied. "Brilliant!" Harry shouted. "Now we just need to find the sword." Hermione huffed, slouching back on a nearby chair. "Any ideas where it may be?" Delphini questioned exchanging glances from Harry to Hermione. "No" Harry said almost immediately.  "That's okay, we'll start from the beginning." Delphini said also slouching into a chair. 

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