Chapter 78: Todays the day

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Draco awoke on the morning of July 23rd and before he even opened his eyes a gentle smile played across his lips. He sat up in bed and felt a peace and happiness that he had never known. Today he was going to marry the love of his life.  He finally forced himself out of bed and ran his hand through his hair as he crossed the room to open the curtains. The sun was brilliant, and huge puffy white clouds dotted the sky. 

"We've got a beautiful day, Delph," Draco said aloud, and thought of his beautiful fiancé. He glanced back at the huge warm bed that he just climbed out of, and grinned. "And, we'll have a beautiful night as well." He winked at himself in the mirror.


At the Burrow, Delphini couldn't sleep at all. The thought of marrying Draco was enough to send her stomach twittering uncontrollably. She wasn't nervous, she just couldn't wait to become his wife and begin their life together. She had wanted to give him a huge party, but Draco just wanted to spend the eve of their wedding alone with her, however she told him it was bad luck. Blaise had thrown him a fantastic bachelor party the week before, which had taken Draco, so he spent most of the week recovering from that.

Draco loved the gift that she had given to him; a digital camera that they could take with them on their honeymoon. "I don't know how many sights we'll be seeing, but we'll take it with us!" Draco had said jokingly, and Delphini just shook her head. "That's mad, Delph! Why can't you just stay a little longer with me?" asked Draco. "First, because it's bad luck to see the bride on the wedding day before the wedding, and we don't need anymore bad luck in our lives. Second, if I don't stop kissing you right now and get out of here, I may never leave!" 

"I don't have a problem with that second part..." Draco said softly, smirking at her, as he once again began trailing kisses down her neck.  "I do, Draco! We've waited this long, another day won't kill us." Delphini countered, although she was slowly losing your battle of wills to Draco's kisses and caresses, especially when he began sucking gently on her bottom lip. She groaned and began to sink back down onto the couch, on top of his bare chest, where she had happily spent the majority of the evening.  After ten more minutes of Draco's kisses, he pulled away. "Do you still want to go?" he asked, grinning wickedly.  "Of course, I don't want to go, but I should, Draco. You can just lie here and think about tomorrow night and how amazing it will be." Delphini said, trying to look innocent as she said it. 

Draco groaned loudly, making Delphini laugh out loud. "This isn't easy for me, either, Draco. Trust me, there's nothing I'd rather do then stay here with you tonight, but I promise you'll thank me tomorrow!" 

Draco walked her to the fireplace, kissed her and said a quick 'I love you' before she flooed  to the Burrow with thirty seconds to spare before the clock struck twelve. 


Delphini grinned and finally climbed out of bed after an hour of gazing at the ceiling thinking about last night and the day ahead. She was so glad that Hermione and Ginny were staying at the Burrow with her for the summer. They had been indispensable to her in arranging the hundreds of details of the wedding. They both took on so many of the tasks during the past month and kept Molly busy. Delphini could hardly wait to wake up next to Draco tomorrow morning, knowing she would never have to leave. Walking down to the kitchen, she met Hermione on the staircase and embraced her. Ginny still  was asleep as usual. "Hermione, I don't know how to thank you for everything that you've done for Draco and me," Delphini smiled. "Don't be silly, Delphi. It's giving me great practice for Ginny and Harry's wedding at Christmas."

"I promise that I will return the favour for her- as best as I can." They both laughed and entered the kitchen. Delphini ate as quickly as they could because Mrs. Weasley was working herself into a very scary state.  Reading her mind, Mrs. Weasley said, "Where are those boys?! The tent and marquee still need to be put up so that they can be decorated!" She was becoming slightly hysterical.  Hermione said, "Delphi, after your bath, we'll concentrate on your hair and makeup. I'll do mine while you're bathing. Your dress is already laid out in your bedroom, so no worries, right?" 

"None at all,"Delphini replied, smiling as she headed to the bathroom. Once inside with the door closed, she allowed herself to dream once again of what lie ahead for her and Draco. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that she would be more than happy together, they were too much in love not to be. It was such a relief that they would never have to be separated again, not for one more night. She would never again have to floo anywhere at midnight, she would be home! Anywhere Draco was would be her home now. 


"You're lucky we like you, Malfoy," said George. "We wouldn't just let any dumb git marry Delphini, she's like our little sister."  Draco smiled. "Thanks...I think. I'll make her happy, I promise." Draco looked around the room. "You already do, " said Ron. "She hasn't stopped smiling for a year. Quite annoying actually." Harry nodded in agreement. A round of laughter broke out and the men tucked in for a rather hearty breakfast. It took the group a good hour to eat their way through the platters of food that Kreacher had laid out. Ron took care of eating the most food, naturally. Draco was glad that Ron and his brothers were here with him today, it made him feel more like a part of their family than ever before. Even with Harry there. He had made up with Harry as well as the others at the end of the war, because of Delphini.

They had a great time eating and laughing, and made a contest out of who could tell the dirtiest joke. Charlie was declared the winner when he made George laugh so hard that streams of tea and pieces of scone came rocketing through his nose. Who would've thought? Draco couldn't remember a time when he had such a good time with the Weasley brothers, and it was so good seeing George laughing again. They finally all sat back at the same time, patting their stomachs. 

Once the breakfast plates were cleared, the men were on their way upstairs, still smiling at the look on George's face as he cleaned away the bits of scone, when Charlie reminded them about helping this morning at the Burrow.  "You know Mum will be in a right state if we're late. We need to put up the tents and the marquee. We'd better go before she goes bonkers and drives Delphini mad." 

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