Chapter 89: Rose Weasley

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You passed Scorpius' room on your way downstairs and went to check on him. He was lying awake in the cot, waving his fists around and gurgling occasionally.

"Hello," You cooed, bending over the cot. "Hello!"

He giggled as you picked him up. He was wearing a pale blue baby-grow – Draco had changed him in the night.

You smiled as you gingerly lifted your son to your chest, stroking the back of his head.

"We'll go and see if Teddy's awake, shall we?" You walked across the landing, holding Scorpius close to your chest.

"Hiya Teddy," You smiled.

"Hi Delphi!" Teddy grinned at you. He was sitting on his floor with his legs crossed, playing with his action figures of Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Do you want to come down for some breakfast?" You asked.

"Okay," Teddy said cheerily. He got up and put on his dark blue slippers that matched his dressing gown. He was the cutest seven year old ever. Taking your outstretched hand; he followed you down to breakfast.

Once Scorpius was strapped securely in his high chair, you turned to Teddy.

"What do you want, sweetie?"

"Pumpkin juice!" Teddy beamed.

You laughed. "You can't just have pumpkin juice!" She said, playfully.

"Toast!" Teddy screeched, laughing. "Teddy, you'll wake Draco up." You said sternly and Teddy stopped screeching.

Okay, let's get you some toast. Do you want to sit with Scorpius?"

"Okay!" Teddy said, bounding across the kitchen to sit opposite Scorpius at the table. He started to change his hair colour and nose shape, something that was a constant source of entertainment to Scorpius, who clapped and laughed.

"Toast," You said, passing Teddy a buttered slice of lightly done toast and a glass of pumpkin juice with his name on it.

"Morning all," Draco smiled, walking into the kitchen.

"'Ello," You grinned as he kissed your forehead.

"Hi Draco!" Teddy waved.

"You're all very cheery," Draco laughed. "Are you excited about going to meet your new baby cousin today?"

"Yeah!" Teddy cheered, whilst Scorpius giggled.

Hermione had given birth to a girl the previous day. You and Draco had been her first visitors, and she and Ron had insisted they came back with Teddy and Scorpius the next day.

"What do you think Hermione and Ron should call the baby, Ted?" You asked him.

"Teddy!" He cried.

"It's a girl!" Draco said, incredulously.

Teddy shrugged, grinned and got up from the table and ran upstairs. Kids! There so hyper.

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You had decided it was too much hassle for her to go through Muggle transport to get to St. Mungo's so had agreed to apparate whilst Harry fought his way through trains and buses with two young children.

When you caught sight of Draco (and the press following them) you got slowly to your feet and went to meet them, grinning. With Teddy still excitedly suggesting names for the baby ("Remus! Harry! James!") you both walked along the corridor to Ron and Hermione's private room.

Harry knocked on the door before leading the way into the small room, which was full of flowers, cards and gifts.

"You're popular," He grinned, noting the overwhelming amount of decoration in the room.

"Ted," Ron whispered. "Do you want to see someone?" Teddy nodded, excitedly.

"Come on then," Ron said, beckoning Teddy round to the bed where Hermione sat, beaming, holding a small bundle of pink blankets in her arms. Ron hoisted Teddy onto the bed, where he carefully crawled over to meet Hermione and peered over at the blankets, his face right up close to the baby's.

"S'baby," He giggled. "Yeah," Ron grinned. "Have you got a name yet?" You asked, sitting on the chair Draco had drawn up for you.

Hermione looked at Ron, who smiled. "Rose," She smiled. "That's a great name," Draco grinned. "Have you got a middle name?" "Not yet," Hermione sniffed. "We were thinking maybe Hermione, but we're not sure."

"Ahh, you'll think of something," You smiled. Hermione had always talked about calling her child Rose, so that made you smile.

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