Chapter 90: Harry birthday two years later

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Earlier in the day, you had unlocked the gate to the side of the Potter's house and held it open with a large crate, so as their guests could go through to the garden without walking through the house. Hermione had had the idea to put a charm on it, meaning only invited guests could get through, thus preventing the press coming to Harry Potter's birthday party.

You, Hermione and Ginny were the only ones setting up the party. Ginny had forced Harry to leave the house so it would be a surprise. He had ended up hanging out with Ron and Draco, they would bring the kids round later on.

By 2.30 pm, most of the guests had arrived. Scorpius was excitedly chasing after Fred and Teddy, trying to join in with their game but stopping to fall over every few steps. Hermione and Fleur were sitting in a corner in the shade; Hermione jiggling Rose on her hip and Fleur cradling Louis in her arms.

Harry was listening to Neville and Luna talking about some foreign plant which Luna believed the venom of was very beneficial. He wasn't really interested in their conversation but was happy to be in their company. What with Neville working at Hogwarts full time and Luna spending most of her time travelling, he rarely got to see two of his closest friends. Luna was cradling their daughter, Gracie, in her arms. Harry had always thought they would be cute together.

Victoire was lying on the grass, having abandoned the book she was reading and taken to watching Teddy and Fred, smiling madly at Teddy as he mounted the toy broomstick.

Albus was crawling around on the grass, being watched by Ron, who was having to repeatedly jump in to stop him being nearly killed by Teddy, as he flew dangerously a foot off the ground, jerking this way and that.

Slowly, the buzz of chatter and laughter that had previously filled the small garden ceased as everybody turned to face Ron, who suddenly looked slightly lost of what to do once he had everybody's undivided attention.

"Erm..." He stammered. "I think... Yes, Delphini's going to bring out the cake now!"

Grinning, Harry turned around to see you coming out of the back door, closely followed by Fleur, smiling at him and carrying a large, square cake. You glanced up at him every now and then as you walked towards him in the centre of the garden, one hand protecting the candles from the slight breeze.

Hermione, Mrs Weasley, George and Angelina led the singing, and Harry couldn't help but smile, slightly overwhelmed as he looked around the garden. Hagrid was standing in a corner with Charlie, his loud, drunken, out of tune voice standing out way above the others. Scorpius, Teddy, Fred and Victoire sung along in very high-pitched voices, mumbling the parts they didn't know.

"Blow 'em out!" Hagrid yelled from the other side of the garden.

"Hip hip, hooray!" Hagrid yelled, as everybody else joined in, smiling at Harry.

"Woo!" James yelled.

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That evening, You came back down the stairs, cradling Scorpius in her arms. "Is Teddy in bed?" Draco asked, lying down on the sofa.

They sat in silence for a moment, when Draco remembered their conversation earlier.

"Delph," He said, absent mindedly stroking her hair. "What were you talking about earlier? When you said you were really happy?"

"Am I not allowed to be really happy?" You said playfully.

"No, seriously, what was it?" Draco asked.

"Not much, you said, toying with him. "I think Scorpius is nearly asleep, I'll take him up now –" You made to get up of the sofa but he grabbed the back of your shirt and pulled you back.

"Delphini Duvessa Bela Riddle!" Draco said looking directly into your eyes. "What is it?"

"Well," You said slyly, sitting back down and taking Draco's hand. "What?" Draco said, eagerly.

"Well," She repeated, slowly, lowering Scorpius into a crib next to the sofa. "I'm pregnant."

"Wha-" Draco laughed, he was so happy. "Seriously!?"

"Delph, that's so great!" He said, hugging you with such a passion you fell back on the sofa.

"I take it you're really happy now, too?" You giggled, kissing him eagerly.

"Oh yeah," Draco grinned, winking at her and kissing you back.

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