Chapter 86: Scorpius Malfoy

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 Ron and Hermione were coming back from their honeymoon. It was early September and the couple had been away for three weeks. Mrs Weasley had summoned the whole family to the Burrow, where they awaited the newly-weds return.

You, now just one week away from your due date, was sitting talking to George, who was trying to stop an two and a half year old Fred from running away.

"Mum," Charlie said. "When are they actually coming back? We've been waiting for hours!"

"Shh, Charlie!" His mother scolded. "They won't be long, the plane must just be running late."

"How are they getting here, anyway?" You asked, grumpily.

"They're arriving by floo from the airport, dear. Are you sure you wouldn't like a drink?"

"No, I'm fi- argh!" You gasped.

"Delphini!" Draco ran to you from the other side of the room where he had been chatting to Angelina. "Delphini, what's wrong?"

"I'm in labour," You said through gritted teeth. "I need to go St Mungo's. Now!" "Err, okay!" Draco said, bewildered. "Are you okay to apparate?" "I think so," You nodded. "Right," Draco lifted her off the sofa and took her hand. "Let's go."

They arrived in the busy reception of St Mungo's. Draco ensured you were comfortably sitting down on a chair before rushing over to the desk.

"My wife," He said quickly. "She's in labour."

The Healer stared at his forehead for a moment, not moving. Then she snapped out of her trance.

"No problem, Mr Malfoy," She said, hurriedly. "If you want a private room, wait just one moment and I'll get a healer to escort your wife."

"Thanks," Draco said, before rushing over to you.

                                                                                               .     .     .

"Oh honestly, Ronald," Hermione said, loudly. "You're being ridiculous."

"Me?!" Ron said, incredulously. "You're the ridiculous one!"

"Honeymoon period still going then, is it?" George asked, coming into the living room.

In the commotion of You going into labour, the Weasley family had congregated in the kitchen with some firewhisky. It was on George's way back from the bathroom that he heard the raised voices from the living room.

Hermione scowled at him.

"Where are the others?" Ron asked, trying to forget his argument.

"In the kitchen.." George said. "There's... well, there's something you should know..."

"What?" Hermione asked, nervously.

George's face was serious. Then he grinned, "Delphini's gone into labour."

Hermione squealed. "That's fantastic!"

"You wouldn't be saying that if you'd been there when... it happened," George shuddered. "Come on, the other's didn't hear you come in."

                                                                                               .     .    .

"Ow, Delph!" Draco couldn't help himself from yelping when she squeezed his hand. You glared at him. "This is all your fault, Draco Malfoy!" "I respectfully disagree," Draco commented.

Over twenty four hours after You had gone into labour, the baby was born.

"Congratulations," The Healer said. "It's a boy!"

"Oh!" You gasped, wrapping your arms around the baby as he was laid on your chest. "Oh, he's beautiful." "He really is," Draco said. "He's perfect."

You looked up at Draco, tears in your eyes.

"Have you got a name yet?" The Healer, a large woman with a kind smile, not unlike Mrs Weasley, asked.

Draco looked at you, who nodded.

"Scorpius Malfoy" He said, gently.

You looked up at your husband, who was smiling at your. Tears filled your eyes as he leant down and kissed you.

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