Chapter 65: Harry Potter is dead?

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"Who's that?" Ginny questioned worriedly. "Neville, who's Hagrid holding?"  Sure enough the silhouette of a limp figure appeared in Hagrid's arms as the Death Eaters entered the courtyard yet again. "HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!" Voldemort shouts.  "NO, NO!" Ginny screams in tears, her dad holding her back. "YOU MONSTER, YOU MONSTER!" Ginny yelled. "Ahh hahh ahha" Voldermort laughed. His Death Eaters then followed pursuit, thinking it was funny that an innocent child was 'killed'.

"Now is the time to declare yourselves, put your faith in me. Come join us or die!" Voldemort declared."

 "But before that I need Draco."

 "Draco" Narcissca said. "Draco" Lucius said more sternly than his wife. Draco looked around for anyone to stop him, but no one did, he knew Delphini would. But she wasn't there. Draco started to walk to Voldemort. "You didn't complete my orders, I gave you many chances, Draco." Voldemort said loudly as Draco approached him. "So you give me no choice but to kill you."

There was then a large growl and the ground began to shake. Suddenly gusts of wind sweep rubble of the floor that flies towards the Death Eaters. Voldemort looks around confused until he notices something smashing out of the castle. That something being a dragon. A fire dragon. The dragon flew out of the castle and flew towards the group of people, spewing fire at anything moving. It was out of control. People screamed. Molly Weasely ducked as the dragon flew over her head.

 Everyone watched and the dragon swooped lower and hit the ground. It did a roly poly before it changed from a fire dragon form to Delphini's normal self. The closer you got to them the more she changed back to her normal self. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" Voldemort yelled pointing the Elderwand towards Draco. She leapt forward pushing Draco aside, taking full impact of the curse. There she lay on the ground with a green light obscuring her body from view, a single tear falling down her cheek. Hermione screamed and tried to run to her but Ron stopped her. When the green light disappeared Draco immediately got onto his knees. "Delphi.. please wake up... don't leave me.. you're the only one I have left... I can't lose you too." Draco cried. "I love you so much."

"It's okay" she said crying. "Delphi."

"I-I-It's okay... It's okay" she nodded still crying. "It's perfect. I'm in the arms of my proper first love... The first person I ever properly  loved, the person I'll always love.. I love you.... Draco. I'll always be here" she said slowly, putting her hand on his chest, before closing her eyes. "Promise me you wont do anything stupid." Delphini said both laughing slightly. Anger starts to boil in Draco as she closed her eyes. "Come join our ranks or die" Voldemort repeated, whilst Draco is still bending over Delphini trying to wake her up. Neville limped forward. "Well, I must say, I would've hope for better." Voldemort sneered causing the remaining Death Eaters to burst into laughter. "and who may you be young man?"

"Neville Longbottom" He looked so brave and confident. "Well Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks, perhaps at the bottom." (No pun intended) Voldemort sneered again. "I'd like to say something." Neville interrupted.  "Well Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say." Voldemort said annoyed.  "It doesn't matter that Harry and Delphini are gone. People die everyday!" Neville said now turning around to face his friends. "Friends, family, yeah we lost Harry and Delphini tonight, but their not gone, their here." Neville said touching his heart. "But they didn't die in vain." He looked so proud staring at the Death Eaters. "But you will, because you're wrong, Harry and Delphini's hearts did beat for us, for all of us."

"This is not over!" Neville shouted pulling out the sword from the hat. Harry roiled out of Hagrid's arms. The whole courtyard goes silent. "Harry!" Draco yells as he runs to Harry and gives Harry his wand. Harry caught the wand and runs under the arch. Voldemort shooting killing curses at him.  Draco is running around without a wand as he gave his wand to Harry. "DRACO, DUCK!" Hermione shouted. Draco ducked and Hermione casted a spell against a Death Eater where Draco's head once was. "Follow me" Hermione yelled at Draco.

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