Chapter 39: news spreads fast at Hogwarts

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"So who do you think Delphi was sent to give the package to?" Ron aksed as they climbed the stairs to the Common room. "Someone who wanted to kills someone at our school." Harry said. "I hope Lavender" Hermione muttered. Harry chuckled, hearing. "What?" Ron said confused. "Let's get ready for dinner, we don't want to be late!" Ron shouted, breaking the silence. This boy eats so much. Hermione thought to herself. "I miss her already." Hermione said with tears brimming in her eyes, as she put her head on Harry's shoulder.

"She's going to be okay, we're not going to let her die, okay?" Harry replied, trying to comfort Hermione. "Come on, we're going to be late" Ron whined like a toddler.



The Great Hall was rammed very quickly, many people seemed to have returned from Hogsmeade because of the snowy weather. And of course because had happened to Delphini. It first started of as a small people knowing then 30minutes later the whole school knew, even first years.  "You're right, It wasn't that well thought out was it?" Hermione said taking her seat at the table. "But when has Malfoy been one of the greatest thinkers?" asked Harry. Ron laughed but Hermione just stayed silent. "Does Jimmy know?" Harry questioned, filling in the awkward silence.

"I bet he does, the whole school seems to know." Hermione replied doing a full 360degrees turn and seeing loads of people from all houses staring at them. Harry and Ron then did the same. "It's so quiet without her." Hermione said looking down glumly. "We can go and visit her tomorrow during our free period." Harry said. Hermione just nodded. "They took her to Mungo's Hospital For Magical Maladies and Injuries, right?" questioned Ron, who was stuffing his face as per usual. "Yes Ron, she wont be coming back for six months" Harry said nearly in tears. "McGonagall told me when I went to see her, just before this."

"What else did he say, Harry?" Hermione asked as she covered her face, sick of seeing people staring at her. "That she was 'relatively lucky' and she appeared to touch the necklace through a small hole in her glove." There was silence. "So if she touched it without her glove on, she would've died?" Ron asked, worried. More silence. "Yes, Ron" Hermione said letting a single tear fall down her cheek. Suddenly they all noticed Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape rushing towards them. "This can't be good." Ron said loudly. Harry immediately stood up. "How is Delphini?"

"I think Miss Riddle is lucky to be alive." Snape said in his usual tone. "When it made physical contact on the victim, the curse would spread rapidly on the recipient, the level of the effect dependent on the amount of contact made."

"If simply brushed against a small amount of skin, then the victim would enter a trance of emptiness, levitate gracefully but eerily six feet above, then suffer such anguish that they would scream and thrash so wildly that they could not recognise anything around them and fall back down, and if left untreated by a powerful enough counter-curse, it would lead to the curse spreading further and eventually death" McGonagall said unhappily. She had always liked Delphini. "But she's alive isn't she?" Hermione said now standing up too, worried. "Barely" Snape said. "It will taker her six months at Mungo's Hospital, but even when she's back she'll be weak for some time." And with a swoosh of Snape's cloak, he had vanished.

"I am truly sorry for what happened to Delphini, I know she's your friend. She was a very student." McGonagall said sadly before walking of to the front table next to Dumbledore. Everyone at Hogwarts was gossiping about this situation with Delphini Riddle. There were rumours going around of who they thought had cursed her and why. Ranging from Draco and their breakup to Harry because of how she chose Draco over him. Harry obviously shut down all of the rumours concerning him and Delphini.

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