Chapter 95: Shopping for supplies

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Delphini was sitting with Scorpius, Astrid and Dominique, Fleur and Bill's daughter, who Delphini was looking after for the weekend, sipping her coffee, when a pair of hands abruptly startled her. Delphini snapped her head around only to find Ginny and Albus.

"Jesus Ginny! I could've hit you." Delphini shouted startled. She looked past Ginny and saw Harry and Ron, with Rose. She stood up immediately, "Shall we go?" She questioned as everyone started to nod. Ron trudged along beside her, packages and bags weighing him  down. "Hermione, ah, caught that cold I had last week. We need more Pepper-up."

"For that, we'd better get to..." he trailed off as their eyes met. Then their heads turned, as if one, toward the Apothecary. Ron swallowed. "Maybe she doesn't need it after all. She looks good with his nose that shade of red."

"Ron!" Delphini let out a loud laugh. He sighed. "I know, but... Delphini... Harry, you've got to admit it's weird, right? I mean, Harry took his memories and we all left him to die but he just so happened to have the exact right antivenin on him? Don't you think that's weird?"

"Weird for a skilled potions master who is working undercover for a man with a giant snake he's seen kill people to carry antivenin at all times?"

"Okay, okay," Ron relented. "But why fake his death?" There was a pause. "Ron," Harry started, "he did die that day, he's not alive anymore."

"I wouldn't have taken his memories otherwise. I think he knew that."

Ron was quiet for a while as they all walked toward the store. "The memories, though. It's not like you can un see all that stuff about him being in love with your Mum. That doesn't make you uncomfortable?" It did at the time. The truth was, it kind of still did, even all those years later. Maybe it always would. Sometimes the way Snape looked at Harry made Harry feel kind of funny, like Snape was looking right into his eyes and thinking of Lily. But that didn't change what he did. 

"He saved the world, Ron. He did it for love, same as I did when Harry went to fight Voldemort. That's all I really need to know about him. His heart's in the right place now. He deserves our respect and appreciation for what he did." Delphini said, looking around and the kids that were trailing behind. "Which is why Harry's son is called Albus Severus, not Albus Ronald, I know. But, still, it's weird being around him is all. Might've been better if he'd died."

Harry tensed to hear this statement. Sometimes Ron could be a completely insensitive arse! And sometimes he could be bang-on right about things Harry would never admit out loud. Ginny worked her fingers through Harry's unruly hair. He stirred under her touch, his frown lines disappearing as his face changed to a more serene expression.

"Astrid! Scorp! Hurry up!"

"Slow down, darling, don't get too far ahead!" Delphini called after the eleven-year old Veela that was eagerly leading the charge through Diagon Alley, her head on a swivel. Her bright blue eyes darted around from store to store, taking in all the sights and sounds around her, her wavy brown hair bouncing slightly as she scurried along the cobblestone street. Every now and then she'd pause to gawk at a window display or a street vendor, excitedly chattering about whatever caught her attention when her mother and sister came into range before darting off again. 

Delphini just smiled and kept walking at a brisk pace. Dominique Weasley reminded her so much of yourself when she was that age and shopping for supplies for her first year at Hogwarts.

 Even though this was not her first trip to Diagon Alley, visits to London were a rare treat for the Delacour family. They had moved from their beachside paradise in Spain into Delacour Manor in Marseille when Fleur had assumed leadership of the Clan nine years prior. Since then, most of their shopping happened in France rather than across the Channel, and although she and Fleur often had to travel to London for work or Clan business, the girls rarely came with them.

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