Chapter 14: Escape

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In advance, I'm sorry this is a really long chapter:

Harry raced towards Hogsmeade, his heart pounding a pattern into his ribcage. Adrenaline pounded in his veins as Harry ran, his feet pounding the dirt. He was determined to find Delphini, however he didn't even know where she was. What if I'm too late? Harry thought to himself. "Harry!" Hermione screamed. "We need to figure of where she could be."

"Yes Harry, we should listen to Hermione, she's right." Ron said puffing as he was out of breath. "When am I ever wrong, Ronald?" Hermione shouted. "She could be dead." Harry shouted, "We need to find her quick." Upon reaching the village, Harry hesitated for a split second as he faced the hordes of seemingly countless Death Eaters engaged in battles with students who were at Hogsmeade for their weekend and villagers from Hogsmeade

"Well, well, well. Look who showed up," A cold voice rang out, freezing Harry's blood cold. Time seemed to slow as Harry whirled to face the gaunt woman who was so talked about. "Little itty bitty baby Potter," Bellatrix Lestrange taunted Harry in a mockingly child-like voice. Her cold eyes ran appreciatively up and down Harry's lean but muscular frame, and she licked her lips. "Oh, but baby Potter is all grown up." Harry's first instinct was to cover his body, but he ignored it and ground out, "Where is she?" A sinister smile played around the gaunt woman's face.

"Who, Potter?"


"I don't know a Delphini."

Bellatrix's free hand went down to a hidden pocket on the inside of her slightly tattered robes and pulled out a small, intricately carved flute that looked like- Harry froze. The blood seemed to pound in his head, and the battle around seemed to slow. Harry's eyes widened. His arms went slack and fell by his side. It was the gift he gave Delphini on her last birthday. "The little blood traitor carried this with her," Bellatrix sneered. She threw the flute onto the ground. "Well, so long." With a decisive movement, Bellatrix crushed the flute beneath her feet. The flute shattered, and tiny sparks of blue exploded in a small, dazzling display under her feet.

Harry turned, a dazed look in his eyes. Bellatrix screeched with raucous laughter. "Do you actually believe that I'd tell you that, Potty? No, instead, I'd do this-!" Bellatrix suddenly shot another Cruciatus at Harry. Ethereal blue waves erupted from Harry's being. Bellatrix's eyes widened when Harry deflected the curse with a wave of his free hand. "The-the Cruciatus-" Bellatrix stammered, her eyes losing focus for a split second. Then it was back, and she cackled. "So you can block a few spells," Bellatrix said loudly. "Get him!" Bellatrix shouted to her fellow Death Eaters, who weren't too far away.

"Just you and me, Bellatrix," Harry hissed, his voice dangerously soft. "Where did you take her?"

"The Dark Lord will send you and your blood traitor of a friend down your father's path."

"WHERE IS SHE?" Harry's voice, amplified by the magic now swirling in his head, thundered across the entire village. "You will never see your little friend again, Potter. Even I don't know where she is now. All I can say is that the Dark Lord has her. You will be lucky if you even find her body-" Bellatrix started. "WHERE IS SHE? SAY SOMETHING!" Harry's frustration could only grow as Bellatrix didn't answer. The glow around him flared bright blue, catching the attention of the Death Eaters nearby. "WHERE IS SHE?" Harry shouted once again. "Harry! Watch out!" Hermione's cry came a tad too late as several Death Eaters dived towards Harry. Fortunately though, Ron's cry came in the form of a few 'Stupefy's and the Death Eaters fell at Harry's feet, unconscious. Ron and Hermione dodged through the crowd, jumping over the unconscious Death Eaters and finally reaching Harry, panting.

"Have you found Delphini?" Ron yelled, dodging curses that flew around them. "She took her," Harry hissed, his voice dripping with rage. "Voldermort has her!" Harry shouted.

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