Chapter 33: Quidditch Championship

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The next morning dawned very bright and cold. The Great Hall was full of the delicious smell of fried sausages and the cheerful chatter of students looking forward to another Quidditch game, this time it was the semi final. This time there was more pressure as it was Delphini's first being Captain of a team in the final. "You've got to eat something." Harry said. "I'm not hungry." Delphini replied. "What about some toast?" Hermione said pretending to feed to like it was a train.

"I'm not hungry." Delphini sniggered at her friends stupidness. "You don't need to worry, you're a great Captain, the finest we've had since we joined." Harry said smiling, pulling her into a hug. Suddenly Hermione shoved some toast into Delphini's mouth. "Now you'll have to eat, if you don't swallow that food you wont breathe." 

Delphini ate and then turned around to see nearly everyone in the hall staring at her. It seemed like everyone had found out about her running into the Forbidden Forest yesterday. "It's okay" Harry started. "You can tell us when you're ready." Delphini just smiled before looking down.


By eleven o'clock the whole school seemed to be on the stands around the Quidditch pitch, some with binoculars. Delphini's nerves came back. "You don't need to worry, you're by far the best on the team, along with Harry." Angelina said smiling. Harry cleared his throat. "Okay men." He said. "And women." Delphini said. "And women." Harry agreed. "This is it."

"This is a big game, it's the semi final." Delphini started to say. "We already know this." Fred whispered to George. "Anything you would like to say to the team, Fred?" Delphini said glaring at him. "No Delphini" Fred said laughing. "This is the best team Griffindor has had in years. We're going to win. I know it." she said. She then glared at all of them as if she was saying 'or else'. "Right, it's time, everyone into positions." Harry ordered.

Madam Hooch was referring. She stood in the middle of the pitch waiting for both teams, her broom in her hand. "I want a nice clean game, all of you." She said mostly looking at the Slytherin Captain, Marcus Flint. "Mount your brooms, please" Delphini clambered onto her Firebolt. Madame Hooch gave a loud blast on her silver whistle and fifteen brooms flew into the air including hers.


" And the Quaffle is taken by Griffindor Captain Delphini Riddle, what an amazing Chaser she is - and rather good looking too." Le Jordan shouted onto the microphone that was projecting to the whole stadium. "JORDAN" McGonogall shouted, as she was sitting next to him. "Sorry, Proffessor." Jordan proceeded to say.

" And she's really belting good up there, a neat pass to Alicia Spinnet, a good find of the Captain's, last year only a reserve- to Johnson- and oh no... the Slytherins have the Quaffle, Slytherin Captain Marcus Flint gains the Quaffle and off he goes- Flint flying like an eagle! He's going to sco... no an excellent move by Griffindor Keeper Wood and the Griffindor takes back the Quaffle."

"Slytherin now have the Quaffle - That's Adrian Pucey speeding off towards the goal posts, but he's blocked by a second bludger, sent his way by Fred or George Weasely... I can't tell which, nice play by the Beater, and Riddle's back in the possession of the Quaffle, a clear field ahead of her and there she goes- she's really flying."

"What's that? Captain Flint flies right behind Captain Riddle. Riddle notices and starts to fly faster. She's nearly there..."

"FOUL!!!!" Jordan yelled.

Captain Flint pushed his broom Into hers right before she had a chance to throw it. She was  knocked off her broom. she was falling 15ft. There were screams from the crowd from both the Gryffindor and Slytherin sides. Delphini suddenly whistled towards her broom, which was still in the air, her broom came towards her and she hopped on. The Gryffindor side cheered. Delphini raced back towards the others and caught the Quaffle from Flint as he threw it to Pucey. She made eye-contact with Flint and gave him a sarcastic smile. He gave her one of his annoying weird grins.

Everyone is taken back at how she used magic without her wand. (It would be the hot topic for the next week.) "What!?! Riddle was falling and then used magic without her wand to get her broom to come towards her. Riddle's now back in the game, she whizzes past loads of Slytherins and SHE SCORES!!!!" Jordan screams. The Gryffindor side screams in delight, the Slytherin side on the other hand wasn't. They kept silent and looked annoyed.

Delphini noticed Harry looking at the snitch. Suddenly Harry was holding onto his broom for dear life. Marcus Flint had blocked Harry on purpose. "So.... after that obvious FOUL." Jordan shouted through the microphone. "Jordan" McGonagall growled. "Oh I'm sorry, that open and revolting foul!"

"Jordan, I'm warning you!" McGonagall yelled. "Alright, alright, Flint nearly kills the Gryffindor seeker, but I guess the game carries on, Gryffindor still in full possession." Jordan shouted again blocking out McGonagall's huffs and annoyed facial expression. Delphini flew towards the Slytherin goal again. "Oh Delphini, do you think I'd really let you score?" Blaise taunted. "I dunno Zabini, will you?" Delphini taunted back, cheekily. She flew extra fast and threw the Quaffle right towards the goal. The Slytherin Keeper and Blaise fell through the goal together after bumping into each other as well the Quaffle. "Double" she said fist pumping the air. However she did feel bad for Blaise. Delphini turned to face the crowd and all the Gryffindor's were chanting her name. Madam Hooch blew her whistle, signalling the end of the match. Gryffindor won! But Slytherin had more points overall than Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff so Slytherin is also going through to the Final.

"GRIFFINDOR WINS!" Jordan screamed as he's a Gryffindor.



"Delphi, you might want to see this." Hermione said pointing to an article in the school newspaper. "What?" Delphini asked confused, moving to stand behind Hermione to read it. 'Delphini the Half Blood Prince' she read. "What?" Delphini asked shocked. "I've never heard of the Half Blood Prince, besides I'm a girl."

"Rita Skeeter always lies, don't worry, Delphini." Ron said still eating, obviously. Delphini looked around and everyone was reading the same newspaper, great she thought to herself. Blaise started walking up to her. "Well done, Delphini, that was a good shot." He said. "It wasn't good is was great, I got to watch you and your keeper plummet through the goal as well as the Quaffle." Delphini replied. "It was hilarious." she added laughing. Blaise let a small smile and laugh slip. "Anyway thanks Zabini, it's just sad you were too slow to catch me." she said cheekily.

"Next time, I'll beat you." He said laughing before walking back to his table. "You wish, Zabini!" Delphini shouted as he walked back to the Slytherin table.

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