Chapter 12: The Yule Ball continued

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Delphini had stopped dancing with Neville and was now sitting with Hermione. 

"My point is..." She started saying. "I know what you're point is" Hermione interrupted. "you don't know what my point is." Delphini denied. "Your point is that you fancy Malfoy." Delphini took and sip and put her glass down. "You see, you were wrong, that's not my point." Hermione rolled her eyes and laughs. "It's not that I fancy him, my point is actually that I love him- and I want to have his babies and eventually push him around in a wheelchair and scatter his ashes." Delphini said taking another drink. "I see" Hermione then starts laughing again. "But he likes, Pansy and I don't think that's very fair." She said looking over and Draco and Pansy dancing. "He can make her fell better." Hermione says before Delphini immediately took offence. "You know what makes me feel better? Cake. Why doesn't she do that? Have an overload on cake and leave hot daddy issues guy to me." Delphini said throwing her arms into the air.

They both then burst into hysterics. 

Cormac came walking up to them. "Can I talk to you alone?" He said staring right at Delphini.  "Fine, but it better be quick" She sneered annoyed as she walked outside to the corridor. "What do you want?" Delphini yelled now that no one was around. "You're so messed up!" He muttered. "You dumped me the day before the ball, just because I found out that I'm a Riddle. I. just. found. out. That is messed up."

"Do you even realise how sick in the head you are for bringing that up." He yelled.

"Oh I'm sorry you feel guilty for never caring about anyone but YOURSELF!"

"Oh yeah no that's exactly it"

"Face it you're OBSESSED with yourself"

"Oh my god!" He sighed.  "God do you even know what it feels like to love another human being?"  Delphini said putting her hand on her head still yelling. "You are so dramatic. Okay? Hey, life isn't fair sometimes, Delphini, get over it!" Cormac yelled. "I swear to god. I swear to god." She said walking around annoyed before she immediately pushed him. Steaming, Delphini walked back to Hermione and sat down immediately, looking like she would murder anyone at any point. "I'll be back in a minute then we can enjoy the party even more" She sais whilst looking at Pansy annoyed. "Cool be safe." Hermione and safety a true love story. 

Delphini made her way towards the girls bathroom, walking past some giggling Gryffindor's, gossiping about another Gryffindor or possibly a slytherin or worst a boy. Finally, after what seemed like eternity, she reach the bathroom and suddenly the lights turned out and Delphini startedto panic. Her boggart is the night, eg. darkness / the moon. (Which is why Lupin had to quickly get rid of your Boggart in Year 3)

It's just a power cut, Delphini thought to herself as she frantically looked around. Hogwarts had enver had a power cut before.

"Hey Delphini missed me?" the fourteen year old witch frantically turn around and saw nothing. "You're not as strong as people say." The voice appears again. "Who are you?"  Delphini screamed as she held her hands firmly over her ears. The voice didn't speak again. Suddenly, something grabbed her from behind. She screamed as loud as you she felt a pain in her side. Delphini then feel herself hitting the glass window and falling out before apparating away.

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