chapter 2: Fourth Year / coach ride

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Leta was in Diagon Alley with Hermione and Ron, waiting for Harry to arrive with Hagrid. She turned around to look down Nocturn Alley for no other reason than curiosity. There she saw Lucius and Draco Malfoy. Lucius was speaking to Draco in a whisper; hand on Draco's arm, pulling him, no more like dragging him into the alley. I guessed it was another "touch nothing" speech but the look on Draco's face told Leta something was wrong. 

"I need to go check something" Leta said quickly. "Meet me on the train" She added, leaving before they could reply.

Normally she wouldn't care but something about seeing Draco Malfoy look upset made her compelled to follow him. Quickly Leta took a sharp turn towards the alley. She followed from a safe distance, able to see Lucius tightening his grip even more on Draco's arm and practically throwing his son into the alleyway. He followed after his son, straightening his clothing out before he did and casting a quick glance around. He didn't notice you though, just another poor, broken, dark wizard going into the alley, like all the others.

They walked past the stores and crowds further down the alley, Lucius constantly pushing Draco further and further, like he did with Dobby his house elf. Leta followed from at least twenty feet back, stopping to glance into stores and falsely greet other wizards with a slight nod. Once they were deep enough into the alley, where there was no one else Lucius grabbed Draco and threw him into the wall.

"Don't you ever speak to me like that again you useless prat," Lucius said, his face an inch from his son's. "But Father, I didn't mean to disrespect you, all I said was that the other robes were more finely stitched and would hold up better than the others."

"You undermined my authority you fucking maggot." Lucius screamed at his son. "I'm sorry Father," Draco said bowing his head. Lucius nodded and turned to walk away, stopped and then slapped Draco and wacked his cane around Draco's torso. Which made Leta feel sorry him. "Get up Draco." Draco did as he was told, slowly, shaking as he did. "Next time I tell you to stand you do it quickly," Lucius said swinging the cane down to connect with Draco's knees. Draco yelled out and tumbled to the stone path once again.

Malfoy," Leta said, touching his shoulder lightly and forcing him to turn over. His sharp features were swollen with bruises and cuts, his lower lip split and bleeding. She was sure his torso and legs were bruised as well. He squinted to see who she was and groaned. "Leta?"

"Malfoy, don't move. Your ribs are probably broken."

"Shove off Orphan. I'm fine."

Those words stung, but Leta was used to that. It was Draco Malfoy after all. She shoved past him, upset and then went back to board the train, as she was nearly late.


"I'm here Leta" Hermione yelled from the other end of the corridor, waving at Leta with her usual warm friendly smile. Leta stepped into her compartment and were delighted to see the friendly faces of her other male friends, Ron and Harry. She noticed they had both grown significantly in  height over the summer holidays, as they were both nearly as tall as she was. Leta had always been the tallest girl in her class, standing at 5,8 at 14 years old. 

Just then Crookeshanks lept out of Hermione's hand and tried to attack Scabbers, Ron's rat. "Scabbers!" Ron yelled dramatically. "Hermione get him away from my baby." Ron screamed whilst grabbing Scabbers and engulfying his pet rat in tight hug. "That cat could've killed him." "Gosh, relax Ron. Crookshanks wouldn't hurt a fly." Ron then continued to sigh dramatically which made the four of them all laugh. 

Just before they arrived at Hogwarts, the lady that brought around the trolley of sweets arrived and obviously Ron asked for all of it. "Oh Ron, do you ever stop eating?" Leta questioned. "I don't see how my eating affects you. Anyway you always eat loads with me." Leta became very quiet as she knew what he was saying was true. "Touché" Suddenly they all heard the whistle of the train which meant they were reaching the platform for Hogwarts. 


Just as Leta, Hermione, Ron and Harry left your compartment, you can face-face with Draco Malfoy and his possy. Crabbe and Goyle were like his mini bodyguards that were meant to make people feel intimidated, but because Leta towered over them, she wasn't. Draco was worse, he bullied everyone who wasn't a pureblood or a slytherin. "Move out of the way mudblood." He sneered at Hermione as he pushed into her. Crabbe and Goyle laughed along with some other slytherins.  "How dare you say that to my friend." Leta spat at him.  "You think you can to me, orphan?" yet again his followers laughed. "That's it." "Just think about it guys." Leta said suddenly calmly.

 "Spoilt rich boy, CHECK."   

  "Major daddy issues, CHECK."  

   "Bad to the bone, trying to control everyone around him including his girlfriend and best friends, CHECK."  

"CHECK,CHECK,CHECK." "Watch what you say, Orphan. You're going to regret this." "We'll see about that." Leta responded, rolling her eyes. "God he was annoying" she thought to herself.

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