Chapter 43: Delphini's back

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Delphini walked through the door of the Great Hall. All eyes were on her and there was a lot of whispering. She smiled when she saw Harry, Hermione and Ron.  Harry came running up to you and she gave him a big hug back.  "I'm sick of people their everywhere!" Delphini said pointing at everyone in the hall that were staring and Harry laughed. "Only you would say that Delphini after you just got cursed... but hey, Delphini do you remember anything about that day in Hogsmeade or who might've wanted to hurt you?"

"No I'm sorry Harry. Everyone's been asking me, but I haven't got a clue. The last thing I remember was walking into the ladies' in the Three Broomsticks. Well, I know I pushed open the door, so I suppose whoever Imperiused me was standing just behind it. After that, my memory's a blank until about two weeks ago in St Mungos." 

Delphini spotted Hermione and run and give her massive hug. Pansy was sneering behind her as she whispered to her friends. Delphini was not having it. "PANSY!" Delphini shouted as she turend to face the Slytherin. "What are you going to do, Pansy?" she said walking towards Pansy. "Nolthing, that's what I thought." "Wicked!" The twins said too each other. "Shut the fuck up" Pansy shouted. "Wow,  I knew you were mean, but not that mean." Ron said chuckling along with Harry. "She's annoying and deserves it" Harry said. "I'm so glad you're back" Harry and Ron both said.

Delphini looked over to the Slytherin table and give Draco a look. "Why is Lavender looking at you like that Ron? Delphini asked kind of scared because of the face Lavender was pulling. If eyes could kill Ron would be long dead, as it looked like she had been staring at him like that for some time. "We..." Ron started. "They broke up" Hermione finished. "About time bitch." Delphini said laughing. Everyone else started to laugh. "She was nice though, just a bit clingy and annoying. Though, poor kid, It must be awful to love someone who doesn't love you back." Delphini said as Hermione nudged her. "Sorry" she said and Ron laughed.

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