Chapter 69: Thoughts

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Delphini woke up after a wonderful sleep at the Burrow. She hadn't slept that well in a long time. It then suddenly occurred to her. Today was the day you were going to visit Draco. She didn't send a letter informing him of her arrival because she wanted it to be a surprise.  

Quickly, she rushed out of bed and got dressed. "What do you want for breakfast?" Molly asked, cheerfully. "Don't worry, I'm going to eat later, I'm going to see Draco" Delphini replied smiling. Molly just smiled back. "Good luck with that" Delphini nodded before closing the kitchen door and apparating to Malfoy Manor.


The first thing she noticed when she reached the Manor was Narcissa as she opened the door, and how she looked shocked. "Come on in..he's in his room." Narcissa replied without Delphini even having to ask. "Follow me"

She listened and followed Narcissa as she lead her through the dark black gate and towards the front door of Malfoy manor. The last time she was there she was being tortured by her mother. Delphini walked through the front door and through the drawing room and towards the dining room. Whilst she was walking through the dining room they both took a sharp left up some narrow stairs towards a long corridor. They reached the end of the corridor and Narcissa said, "He's been a mess since that day." She patted the young witch on the shoulder and she left her standing outside of his room alone.

"You're not trash, you're not cold, you're not a bitch, you're not ugly, you're not disgusting, you're not a sl*t, you're not dirty, you're not spoiled, you're not a monster." she heared Draco hit the wall and shout as she stand outside his bedroom door. "You deserve to be alive, Delphi!" She couldn't bare to hear him like this- she missed him so much. "Draco.." Delphini whispered softly as you walk in to see him hunched over his bed with his head in his hands. "I'm here, it's okay." she added softly, which made him look up. "You look so handsome" She smiled tucking a strand off his hair behind his ear.  "You look rather good for someone who was dead" Draco replied looking into his eyes, causing Delphini to chuckle. "Well my chest hurts, but a part from that, I'm fine".

 Draco continues to stare at you for a moment longer before he can't seem to keep it in anymore, leaning against her chest and clutching her tightly. "I thought I had lost you forever" He finished holding his hand in hers. "I'm never going to leave you." Delphini replied softly, interlocking their fingers together. "I know, that it's taken me a long time to say this, but I love you Delphini.. and not Astoria." He says. Delphini smiled softly and then said, "I love you too Draco, I always have." she lean closer and she planted a gentle kiss on his lips. "I've missed this" Draco mumbled through her kisses. "Me too" she smiled.

She lean her head against his shoulder as they both looked out of the window at the sunset that was forming. Not knowing what the future was going to hold, but knowing they were in it together. Delphini was in his room for what seemed like ages, until she decided to go for a walk. She was walking with her hands interlocked with his hands, when they entered the dining room and saw Draco's Father standing there with his wife. Delphini stopped, she could feel Draco tense up, but she gently held onto his hands, telling him it's ok.  "What is she doing here?" Lucius shouted. "I thought you were dead, that was meant to be your punishment!" He continued to yell.  "What? I know punishment, anyway let's not talk about me and punishment. Let's talk about your son and how you treat him and I know he did not deserve that!" Delphini shouted. "He followed your stupid rules and he still wasn't good enough."

"So what does it take to please you? Break your rules and you fall. Follow them and you still loose! It doesn't matter if you're a Death Eater or a member of the Order like me." Delphini shouted as she pointed to her chest. "Nobody can win, so what's the point?" she yelled staring directly at him. "How dare you speak like that to me in my own house!" Lucius yelled. "You're not allowed here anymore." He spat.  "Come on Draco, I'm taking you too the remaining Order, they'll understand."

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