Chapter 54: On the search

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Delphini, Hermione and Harry had just returned back to the search after spending a couple of days back at Hogwarts. However, the three of them hadn't seen Ron in weeks. Delphini and Harry had just finished putting up the tent again when they heard someone moving from behind them. Thinking it was Hermione they didn't say anything.

"Hey!" The voice said as Hermione returned from her stroll. "You... complete arse, Ronald Weasley! You show up here after weeks, and you say 'Hey'?" Hermione shouted mocking him, also hitting him with her bag. "How did you get here?" Delphini asked, confused as she turned to face him.

"The deluminator. It doesn't just turn off lights. I don't know how it work but Christmas morning, I was sleeping in this little pub, keeping away from some Snatchers, and I heard it. A voice. Your voice, Hermione. You said my name. Just my name. Like a whisper. So I took it, clicked it and this tiny ball of light appeared. And I knew. It flew towards me, the ball of light, right through my chest and straight through me. Right here, he touches his heart, and I knew it was going to take me where I needed to go." Hermione looks on, breathless. 


 "You're not still mad at him, are you?" Harry questioned. "I'm always mad at him." Hermione huffed, making Delphini look up from her letter and laugh, then look down again. "Come on Delphi, cheer up, you've been reading that letter so much, It's not going to change what's written." Hermione said pointing her hand up for you to hold it.

 "I'm glad you're feeling better" Ron said sitting next to Delphini. "Me too" she said looking down at the letter which was now crumpled in her lap. "It's nice to see you smiling again." Harry said smiling at her. "Oh shut up" Delphini said playfully hitting Harry. "Delphi is that your owl?" Harry asked looking up into the sky. 

"Yes" Delphini said as her owl got closer. "Looks like you've got a letter." Ron said eagerly. Delphini take the letter from the mouth of her owl and open it slowly.  "Well, what does it say?" Hermione questioned after a minute of silence. "It's an invitation" Delphini answered with tears in her eyes. "For what?"

"Draco is getting married to Astoria after the war. It's an invitation sent from his father." she finished now in tears. "Delphi.." Hermione said putting her arms around her so she could cry into her shoulder. She remembered being told that he was forced to marry her and that he didn't love her, but it seemed more real now that she was holding the invitation in her hand. She could just vision the smirk on his Lucius Malfoy's face.


Delphini woke up early the next morning and saw Harry and Ron chanting spells. She sprinted outside thinking her under attack, then stop and laugh. They were trying to destroy the locket with normal spells. "What's so funny?" Ron asks you, obviously not amused. "It's dark magic. I may not know how to destroy a horcrux but those spells aren't going to help." she informed them as she walked over and picked up the locket. 

"It's angry" she said looking back up at Harry and Ron. "That's probably because we've been shooting spells at it." Ron said loudly. "No shit Sherlock" Delphini replied making everyone laugh. "Here." Harry stated, taking the locket and slipping it on. "What are you doing?" Delphini ask him. "We need to keep it safe until we figure out how to destroy it." Harry insisted.  

"Why don't we put it in my bag?" Hermione suggested, "We know what the locket does to the wearer." But Harry shook his head. "One of you stay guard, I'm going to get some more food other than mushrooms" Delphini said as she gathered her coat.

"I can come with you" Harry offered, he's probably dying to get out of the tent. "Hermione, will you watch the tent, whilst we're gone?" Delphini questioned and she gently nodded her head and smiles as her and Harry walk into the wood. "How did you sleep?" Harry asked.  "Not good" Delphini said looking down. "I thought we were really getting somewhere. But I guess not... the letter explains it all. He's been forced to marry Astoria Greengrass, a Slytherin Pureblood."

"Does he love her?" Harry asks, stopping. "That's the thing, I don't know." Delphini said stressing. "We spent the day by the lake, It's like the old times... then a couple of days later I get an invitation, from his father, to shove it in my face. But I already knew about his arranged marriage, I just chose not to believe it."

"I'm sure It will work out well for you both." Harry says which made Delphini smile. "I may not like him, but I've seen the way you look at him and how he looks at you. You'll be fools not to stay together." Delphini smiled and hugged Harry. "Let's go find food" she said suddenly noticing that thy had stopped walking. "You know, I've hardly ever gone hunting" Delphini admitted as she walked over a fallen tree. "Well since you've done it a few times, you'll be better than me." Harry smiled. 

"What? Your muggle parents weren't hunters?" She asked him and Harry shook his head. "I don't believe that for a second" she joked, knowing his muggle parents were horrid. Harry just laughed. "I would've loved to see them hunting. That would have been a show. The closest we've ever come to camping was on the television." they both laughed, until they spot a squirrel on a nearby branch. Delphini silence for Harry to be quiet and he got the memo. She quickly drew her bow and fired when her aim was correct. The bow hits the squirrel in it's head and drops peacefully to the ground.

She ran over and picked up. She pulled the bow out of it's head and handed it over to Harry. "I shot it, so you can carry it." she said placing the dead squirrel into Harry's hands, closing his fingertips around it's body. "I'm glad we both went out to get food" Harry said as Delphini walked back. "Even if you're making me carry a dead squirrel." Delphini laughed. "It's just you're well experienced. Do you think you could train me?" Harry asked hopefully. "Train you to do what?" Delphini replied unsure of what he answer would be. "Look one day we know I will have to fight Voldemort if this war is ever going to end." Harry said looking down. "You know the spell, Harry" Delphini said. "Yes, but that's not enough for him." Harry insited. "You can fly without a broom and do magic without a wand.. " Harry started. "You have more strength than Voldemort and Bellatrix combined!" Harry almost shouted.

 "Harry I honestly don't think Voldemort would die if all his horcruxes were destroyed and I sunk a knife into his chest." Delphini admitted in search of another animal. "Why not?" he questioned as he stopped to look into his friends eye. "I just think he must die by magic. I don't know why, even if he becomes mortal, I think you'll have to do it with magic." Delphini said in detail.

"I could benefit from knowing how to use a knife." Harry insisted and Delphini look at him. "Harry, unless I die, and I wont die, there will be no need for you to learn how to throw a knife." she  assured him as they headed back into the tent to help cook with Hermione.

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